December 29, 2009, "Recalling God's Mercies On Purpose"

Triumphant Victorious Reminders
Inspired by the Holy Spirit
Written By: Teresa Criswell
"But this I recall and therefore have I hope and expectation: It is because of the Lord's mercy and loving-kindness that we are not consumed, because His tender compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great and abundant is Your stability and faithfulness. The Lord is my portion or share, says my living being (my inner self); there will I hope in Him and wait expectantly for Him."
~ Lamentations 3:21-24 ~
As my fingers dance upon the keyboard, I look up to find that just a few feet away, my large cat, Mr. Finster has his two front paws on the window seal, looking out the window. His little head tilting to the right. His head now moves back and forth quickly with great assertiveness. As Mr. Finster is in awe of whatever he sees, our dog Jack sits by his side, his head tilted, his ears perked up, looking at Mr. Finster, as to ask with glee, "What do you see? What do you see?"

I am laughing as I see such funny little characters exploring their world. They do this daily, as though it's the first time they are experiencing their surroundings. On a side note: I haven't figured it out yet, but either, our cat thinks he's a dog or our dog thinks he's a cat. Nevertheless, they think and act as though they are the same animal, allies, brothers and friends.
This leads me to a pretty 'shallow' comparison, however, I'll use it anyways. Everyday, we experience life anew. We experience the mercies of God which are new every morning. I sit here wondering, why don't I ever bask in that? Why do I not take a moment, look out the 'window' of awe and just embrace my surroundings of my Loving God who longs for me to know, believe and experience Him in ways I could never dream or imagine.
I realize today, that the goodness of God that I experience, have only been these 'toe deep' experiences. And even in that I'm quite overwhelmed! Can you imagine if we just stopped for a moment and literally lifted up our hands, looked through the window of our hearts, moving our heads around in awe and wonder of His great majesty? Just thinking about this is delightfully wooing me to be in that place in Him.
If you're thinking about how depressed you are, how overwhelmed you are, or how lonely you feel. This is your litmus test to think upon Almighty God, intentionally and on purpose. Right now, at this very moment, you can allow God to change your atmosphere, and your attitude, by thinking upon the 'Lifter of your head', by thinking upon the overwhelming love of God over your life. And by the promise of knowing that Jesus will never leave you, nor forsake you. Take a moment, as I am doing the same. My circumstances haven't changed; however, my attitude has changed because of my God in the midst of the circumstances.
Yes, it's difficult. And I'm sure there are things that you may be going through, that I can't even fathom in my wildest nightmares. Please hold on to Him, don't go through one more step of your life alone. God has never intended for that to ever happen. Not for one moment, not for one second, not for one breath.
Jesus revealed the Father God, and now the Holy Spirit has come to reveal Jesus Christ. As we accept in our hearts and believe that Jesus Christ came to pay a debt He did not owe, on our behalf, the promise of the Holy Spirit will come upon, and inside you making your spirit new to the things of God. The awakening you have longed for, will annihilate you. Some days you will 'feel' it, and other days you won't...but rest assured, He has not left. Sometimes I look at that moment as we've drifted away from Him, unknowingly, as though we are walking out onto the waters of the billowing waves and when we turn around to get to where we were, we find that we have drifted quite aways. However, just take one step towards Him, and He is right there. The amount of steps you took away from Him, only takes one step to get back under His Mighty Wings'. There is no distance, no sin, no death, no demon, no condemnation and no circumstance that can separate you from the Matchless, Indescribable love of God!
Bask in Him today...He is waiting for you to draw near...and when you do, don't be surprised by His Overwhelming Goodness, Grace and Power! The drawing near is moment by moment, daily, every breath. May we leave a legacy of His Matchless, Indescribable, Overwhelming Love!
ReplyDeleteYou truly have been given the gift of encouragement. Thank you for your obedient heart to lift up others who are hurting and broken.
Blessings to you,
Amen...such encouraging words...inspired by your furry friends...I love it when the Lord speaks that way!
ReplyDeleteYou captured my heart with this one. The strange behavior from your pets caused me to roar outloud, and then to quietly contemplate the wonder of God's universe, and the sense of humor He had in making all the creatures and critters here. Praise His Name! He is glorious...even the animals know it.