"His boots"
Triumphant Victorious Reminders
Inspired by the Holy Spirit
Written by: Teresa Criswell
"Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. Love does not demand its own way."
~ I Corinthians 13:4-5a ~
She yelled, "You just don't understand how I feel!" "What about me? Our kids?!"
The tiring schedule of his job, traveling more often than he was home seemed to violently suck every ounce of life as his countenance dropped by her one sided accusations. He stared at her for a moment with his piercing brown eyes and slowly walked away.
Through angered remorse she observed him walk into the closet. Normally he never walked away from a dispute...but this time was different. Soon after she saw him enter the closet, he came back out with a pair of his often worn boots in his hands He slowly walked toward her, knelt down before her as he simultaneously placed the boots at her feet. He slowly got back up, backed away and looked at her in the eyes and said in a very calm, steady voice, "Put these on." She was now confused and even more angry. "What do you mean, 'put these on'? I'm not putting your boots on." He shook his head and firmly said, "Until you've walked just one day in my shoes, I don't ever want to hear how I don't understand how you feel. I have never accused you of this, so don't accuse me."
In that profound moment, she placed her face in her hands and began to cry as her heart filled with compassion over her husband as the flooding remorse came over her as she with great regret said, "I'm so sorry. I never considered what you were going through."
With love in his voice, drawing her close to him, he said, "Have you ever considered how difficult this is for me? To be away from my wife and kids? Often wondering, what are they doing right now? Are they even thinking about me?"
As I interrupt this scene, I am reminded that often times the hopeless feelings of "They don't understand" are just plain ol' lies. If we take a moment and consider what others may be going through may we constantly remind ourselves of God's mercy and His abundant love overflowing with the powerful waterfalls of His grace. We in that moment have an opportunity to step back from being ruled by emotions and allow God's compassion to flow through us, upon others as we look for ways to assist, help and step away from demanding our own way.
When we demand our own way it destructively detours us and others from God's way of love revealed by Jesus Christ which reveals the powerful consideration of others allowing them to flourish not to be cut down.
In this reminder may we fall to our knees as we are humbled by God's great love that we have so freely received. Upon this reception of His great love we are reminded that much is required to give and impart into others.
Every moment may we stand back in awe of God's splendor and majesty displayed through our love walk for all to see as our actions point to the King of all kings!
I would like to conclude today's reminder with Audrey Hepburn's words she so eloquently stated that echo the Life and Words of our Lord Jesus:
"For attractive lips, speak words of kindness.
For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people.
For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry.
For poise, walk with the knowledge that you will never walk alone.
People, even more than things have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed and redeemed.
NEVER throw out ANYONE." ~ Audrey Hepburn
Inspired by the Holy Spirit
Written by: Teresa Criswell
"Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. Love does not demand its own way."
~ I Corinthians 13:4-5a ~
She yelled, "You just don't understand how I feel!" "What about me? Our kids?!"
The tiring schedule of his job, traveling more often than he was home seemed to violently suck every ounce of life as his countenance dropped by her one sided accusations. He stared at her for a moment with his piercing brown eyes and slowly walked away.
Through angered remorse she observed him walk into the closet. Normally he never walked away from a dispute...but this time was different. Soon after she saw him enter the closet, he came back out with a pair of his often worn boots in his hands He slowly walked toward her, knelt down before her as he simultaneously placed the boots at her feet. He slowly got back up, backed away and looked at her in the eyes and said in a very calm, steady voice, "Put these on." She was now confused and even more angry. "What do you mean, 'put these on'? I'm not putting your boots on." He shook his head and firmly said, "Until you've walked just one day in my shoes, I don't ever want to hear how I don't understand how you feel. I have never accused you of this, so don't accuse me."
In that profound moment, she placed her face in her hands and began to cry as her heart filled with compassion over her husband as the flooding remorse came over her as she with great regret said, "I'm so sorry. I never considered what you were going through."
With love in his voice, drawing her close to him, he said, "Have you ever considered how difficult this is for me? To be away from my wife and kids? Often wondering, what are they doing right now? Are they even thinking about me?"
As I interrupt this scene, I am reminded that often times the hopeless feelings of "They don't understand" are just plain ol' lies. If we take a moment and consider what others may be going through may we constantly remind ourselves of God's mercy and His abundant love overflowing with the powerful waterfalls of His grace. We in that moment have an opportunity to step back from being ruled by emotions and allow God's compassion to flow through us, upon others as we look for ways to assist, help and step away from demanding our own way.
When we demand our own way it destructively detours us and others from God's way of love revealed by Jesus Christ which reveals the powerful consideration of others allowing them to flourish not to be cut down.
In this reminder may we fall to our knees as we are humbled by God's great love that we have so freely received. Upon this reception of His great love we are reminded that much is required to give and impart into others.
Every moment may we stand back in awe of God's splendor and majesty displayed through our love walk for all to see as our actions point to the King of all kings!
I would like to conclude today's reminder with Audrey Hepburn's words she so eloquently stated that echo the Life and Words of our Lord Jesus:
"For attractive lips, speak words of kindness.
For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people.
For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry.
For poise, walk with the knowledge that you will never walk alone.
People, even more than things have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed and redeemed.
NEVER throw out ANYONE." ~ Audrey Hepburn
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