
Showing posts from January, 2013

"Hem Your Day With Prayer..."

Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by the Holy Spirit By: Teresa Criswell "Then the angel of the Lord came and sat beneath the oak tree at Ophrah, which belonged to Joash of the clan of Abiezer. Gideon son of Joash had been threshing wheat at the bottom of a winepress to hide the grain from the Midianites. The angel of the Lord appeared to him and said, "Mighty man of valor, the Lord is with you!" ~ Judges 6:11 & 12 ~ I specifically remember that moment several years ago as I walked into the kitchen. The beautiful picturesque window beheld such beauty as the golf course was surrounded by beautiful trees; leading down a hill as if I could see for miles. Something caught my attention as the rays of the sun peered through the large windows. The light of the sun reflecting none other than photographs on the breakfast table. Curiosity led me closer as I realized that the faces in the photographs were family; my sisters and their families, my family,...

Waves Called 'Unknowing'

Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by the Holy Spirit Written by: Teresa Criswell Photo by Google Images "Be strong in the Lord and in the power of HIS might."  ~ Ephesians 6:10 ~ Howling winds assist the crashing waves as they echo like cymbals against the rocks and the soft, sandy sea shore. Orchestrated with violent force, the gigantic waves pulsate with incredible, supernatural force breaking the stable and unstable structures alike. Do you have those moments of feeling as though you are being violently thrown back and forth; wavered and tossed by the waves of the sea called, "Unknowing"? There are going to be those moments in which life has you feeling as though you are clinging to the boat that could potentially cap size.  You barely have the strength to hold on and as you're about to give up the crashing waves make it that much more difficult to see any hope to survive. Whether rejection of others has side-swiped you, or condemnat...