
Showing posts from October, 2014

BAM! Victory!

Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by the Holy Spirit Written by : Teresa Criswell "Today is a good day for a good day" because God made it! He made it with you in mind and He is faithful, whether we see it right now or not. You are His masterpiece in Christ Jesus. And remember the enemy flees - he runs in terror when we submit and lean and trust in God as our submission declares resistance to the ways of the enemy and in that hiding in God - he flees in terror for a season. The enemy will be back - but we again will be ready and prepared as we utilize the equipping power of God by declaring, "It is written..." And the Blood of Jesus! We declare light in the midst of darkness. We utilize God's love in the face of hate. We utilize life in the midst of curses and all the while we get to declare Jesus name above all!!! References: Quote from Fixer Upper Psalm 118:24 Ephesians 2:10 James 4:8 Revelation 12:11 "Be  Stunning To The Enemy...

Heaven's Language - The Language called Faith

Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by the Holy Spirit Written and shared by: Teresa Stevens Criswell   "Then He took a deep breath and breathed into them.  "Receive the Holy Spirit," he said.  "If you forgive someone's sins, they're gone for good.  If you don't forgive sins, what are you going to do with them?" - John 20:22-23 - The Message (MSG)     "...Heaven has a perspective that gets lost on earth. And so we need to begin to speak the language of heaven to the issues of earth, so that we begin to see the earth come into conformity to God's plan for it." - Lisa Bevere This means we GET TO speak the language of heaven over people - over situations - over ourselves..."we GET TO speak the language of heaven by the power of the Holy Spirit." Please watch every minute of this video...especially toward the end - it ties together with heavenly eloquence and insight!  The last part of Lisa's story ...

Scrolled Love Note #5

Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by the Holy Spirit Written by: Teresa Criswell "You are Mine and I Am yours. I Am your Love Song. I Am your wind and breath and I long for you to see yourself and others the way I see. I see with Triumphant, Overcoming Victory. Let the rhythm of My heartbeat become yours, let your heart echo Mine as My joy, compassion and peace overflows by the power of My Holy Spirit. I NEVER asked you to reveal yourself. I NEVER asked you to do it on your own. I NEVER asked you to give others from your own resources but from what I produce through you - ALL I want you to do is to ECHO Me by giving to others what you have freely received for yourself from Me as I Am The Source of ALL - I AM THE SOURCE OF LOVE, MERCY, COMPASSION, JOY, RIGHTEOUSNESS, FORGIVENESS. The Love I have for you is beyond your understanding this side of heaven, Papa God Scripture References: Song of Solomon or Song of Songs Psalm 104 Matthew 11:28-30 Galatian...

Scrolled Love Note #4

Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by the Holy Spirit Written by: Teresa Stevens Criswell   If you've read the previous posts titled "Scrolled Love Note...", you'll understand the title of this post.  The following is what I was led to write coming from a small glimpse of the Mighty heart of our Father God.  I know this is to someone who needs a 'right now' word on worthiness. "I Am worthy - I Am a mirror for you to look into so you may finally see your TRUE reflection. For I The Lord call you worthy. Yes! You are worthy for I call you worthy - I, The Lord call you worthy - hear Me! I, The God of ALL, The GOD WHO IS WORTHY, declares you are Worthy. For you to say you are unworthy says I am a liar, haha! I AM only TRUTH, there is no lie in Me. I have the Last Word over your life, will you choose to believe My Words? Let Me take every fracture of rejection and abandonment from the womb. Let Me take every fracture...

Scrolled Love Note #3

Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by the Holy Spirit Written by: Teresa Stevens Criswell If you've read the past two posts, you'll understand what the scrolled love note 'campaign' is about.  If you need to get caught up, you can simply click here .  Today, day 3 of 6, here is another scrolled love note I had the opportunity to choose - I pray this encourages you... "You can run - but I have pursued you with My Everlasting Love. You think I'm finished with you? Haha! My child, this is a lie - you must long to believe Me as I Am Living Truth. Let Me have the Last Word over your life - I Am the Author and Finisher of your faith.  Will you allow Me to be the Author of your story, revealing My Victorious Testimony? Experience Me.  See Me.  Finally know Me as the Author of your life, I urge you to now live so others can read your story with adventure and joy - encapsulated  by Me Who is Peace! I love you with My Endless,...