
Showing posts from 2015

Brokenness to Wholeness...but HOW?

Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by the Holy Spirit Written by: Teresa Stevens Criswell Through the weeping I heard her whisper, "Jesus, as I go back to that moment where I found him dead; I give it to you so you can bless it...I'm so sad that my kitty is gone but what the enemy meant to destroy, Lord I give to you - bless that moment I found him and thank You for blessing me all the other moments that I got to have with him. Thank You Lord for Your healing from this hurt, please have Your way Lord..." My heart was moved to the point of tears.  Our daughter, 15 years of age was living out her faith in God, even in the midst of pain.  The pain of finding her sweet 3 year old kitty, who she had just seen hours prior playing and being frisky as any other day...and found him under the bed, thinking he was asleep and finding that he had passed away with no warning. She knew this moment, even though it was an animal and not a human, could f...

But how?

Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by the Holy Spirit Written by: Teresa Criswell Photo courtesy of Google Images Have you ever been moved to tears? To Laughter? To anger? Have you ever been moved to frustration and then allowed frustration to cause you to vent?  Where does venting usually lead to?  For me it's a seeming myriad of thick, resistant webs...the more I "try" in my own strength; my own will power to not be "moved", it seems the more frustrated and angry I become. In this subtle drifting of being moved - whether the manifestation of leaning into God's Holy Wind by His Holy Spirit or being moved by self, an ungrateful heart that allows circumstances to cause me to see even more of what I don't have leads me to look up the definition of the word moved in the Webster's 1828 Online Dictionary: moved : stirred; excited;  stirred: agitated;  agitated: tossed from side to side; shaken; moved violently; disturbed As I r...


Triumphant Victorious Reminder Inspired by the Holy Spirit Written by: Teresa Criswell Leaning into the heart of God as though I can hear the billowing waves of His mercy and realized... God did not send Jesus in vain to die for the Christian, Jew, Buddhist, Muslim, Hindu, American, European, African, Australian, Asian, good, bad, giver, taker, rapist, homosexual, heterosexual, murderer, molestor, nurturer, philanthropist, influencer or any other religion, nation or creed; He died for each and every person within these groups as He knew each of us as an individual calling us by our name before we were ever formed in our mother's womb - He never meant for us to take on the false identity of any one of the groups mentioned. Today I am reminded that Jesus didn't die and then conquer death, hell and the grave so that we'd take on the identity or citizenship of another - but that we would take on His identity - as a son/daughter of the King of all kings so that we wou...

A powerful weapon...

Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by the Holy Spirit Written by: Teresa Criswell "What does the Lord require? To love mercy, to do justly and to walk humbly before our God." ~ Micah 6:8 ~ Photo credit: Mary Kay McCall When we walk in awe of God; we become humbled by His incredibly, infinite majesty that we supernaturally realize there's nothing too difficult for Him. Whether the situation be lofty or a difficult circumstance that seems impossible to walk through or perhaps a relationship in which we are constantly finding ourselves offended...when we walk humbly before God, I am reminded that pride is silenced. In this knowing, humility manifests so we can do what the Lord has equipped us to do what He requires; to do justly because we are in awe and moved to love The Merciful One Who abounds in infinite mercy. So here's a great weapon I am learning  in is called "humility". Those Who are in Christ Jesus already have humilit...


Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by the Holy Spirit Written by: Teresa Criswell Gathered around the kitchen island, my daughter and I were discussing a few points she had prepared to discuss at a leadership class.  As she and I were talking, one of the things she declared with fervency from deep within was, "Are we going to let our purpose fade in the dust?"  In this question, I asked another one, "Are we going to allow, not our purpose, but the purpose of God within us to fade in the dust?" Then a quote from the late, Dr. Myles Munroe rose up within me.  A quote that God utilized to awake my soul as my spirit cried out many years ago, "The wealthiest places in the world are not gold mines, oil fields, diamond mines or banks.  The wealthiest place is the cemetery.  There lies companies that were never started, masterpieces that were never painted...In the cemetery there is buried the greatest treasure of untapped potential.  There is a tr...

Truth trumps facts...

Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by the Holy Spirit Written by: Teresa Criswell "God removed His hand because they were disobedient." "They went through that because they walked away from God." "Children are a direct reflection of their parents." SCREEEEEEEECH!!!!!!!!!!!!  HOLD ON! STOP! Where did these cliches come from?  Definitely not from the Word of God...but I know for me, I have likened these sayings as though I read it straight from, First Liar 1:1 (That was me being facetious).  Of course through the hazy glass of deception, I have found that the purpose of that looking glass is to erode our vision of how we see God as this effects whether we receive from Him or not. In this process, I am continuously learning about opinions...they seem right...and many times are even factual...but it's not ABSOLUTE TRUTH.  So when we hear, "God removed His hand because they were disobedient..." this by default says that God i...

The Sower, the Seed and the Soil

Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by the Holy Spirit Written by: Teresa Criswell Matthew 13 Often concerned, "What if I sow into someone and nothing comes of it?" "What if...?" I was reminded of the understanding I received about 6 months ago regarding the sower, the seed and the condition of the ground as played out in Matthew 13... - From the path, which represents those who don't understand, to - The rocky soil, representing those who hear the Word and immediately receive with joy but when problems arise they fall away, to - The thorns which are those who "hear" but the cares of this world and deceitfulness of riches crowds it out to - The final, which is the good soil or good ground. This good ground produces a harvest of 30, 60 and 100 fold. After reading this at that time, truly believing as I read that passage that it was strictly speaking of four different types of people, this is when I couldn't shake it and just ...


Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by the Holy Spirit Written by: Teresa Criswell Today I am reminded of a blog entry from  July 9, can read it by clicking here...

Trying to "find" yourself?

Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by the Holy Spirit Written by: Teresa Criswell    If I try to "find" myself - I will only get more lost in self... If I try to "find" my value in what I do - then when the work is done I will believe the lie that I have no value... If I try to "find" my worth in who I know or the title I hold - then when our paths part and the title is removed, I will believe the lie that I am worthless. If I try to "clean" myself up, I will only get tired and more weary and become even dirtier than before. Yet the beauty of all of this? The burden has been removed to fail at the attempt in doing this ourselves. God has made it quite simple - The One who finds us allows us to find out who He is so that no matter what we do or don't do, or who we know or don't know or the title we hold or lack thereof...identity starts with being a son, a daughter of God and as this understanding falls on u...


Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by the Holy Spirit Written by: Teresa Criswell Have you noticed how the Lord is giving us insight as to how the enemy is at work? Well in that, God clearly shows us how He, Himself operates. For instance, have you ever speculated, or assumed that someone has pulled away from you? I know I have in the past. However what is so awesome about the Lord is if we let Him, even if the pulling away is truly happening - the Lord is allowing us to see through the schemes of the enemy which is to bring division by getting offended and guess what happens? These schemes, if not recognized, will cause us to stop interceding on one another's behalf. So how do we pray when we feel that, whether true or not? We pray - "God, cover my sister/brother...Whatever they're going through - thank you that you have them and hold them so very tightly - show me Lord how to reach out to me how they need your love in this season. Lord, if t...

From regret...

Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by the Holy Spirit Written by: Teresa Criswell Recently, the thought of those who carry regret caused compassion to overwhelm my soul as the images I saw were likened to someone carrying a decaying carcass on their back.  Do you constantly remind of yourself of your regretful past?  Whether it's in a passing comment or a thought, I liken it to heaping ashes of the dead upon your head. Do you want this ceremonial reminder to cease?  With that said, have you heard the saying, "Don't forget where you came from?" Although I understand the point of this saying - let me explain what I have been awoken to... Recently, I broke free from the lie that whispered, "If you're not reminded of what you've wrongfully done in the past, then you'll slip back into that lifestyle of sin again."  Here's how freedom annihilated was in one moment - that specific moment I was rescued and delivered as the...

Honoring my dad

Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by the Holy Spirit Written by: Teresa Criswell Today, I get to honor my dad... Dad, you are the definition of a true man. Your yes is yes and your no is no and most of the time - there's no such thing as a maybe - LOL. Dad, we, your daughters, along with mom, agree wholeheartedly that you are a man of integrity, honor, character and truth. You love it when the truth wins out and when people's hearts come back to the Father God, you rejoice! Although a man of few words - the words you do speak have much weight as they're filled with nuggets of wisdom! Your motto is quite simple, "When God says "Go", sometimes man will most likely say, "No." You taught us to never take someone's opinion of another human being and run with also taught us to remember if we didn't hear it from the person - but only heard it from others it's just hearsay and you've reminded us of the Proverb...

Chocolate Silk Pie...

Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by the Holy Spirit Written by: Teresa Criswell So yesterday we had two of my husband's friends come over for dinner. As we were getting ready for their arrival, my husband had gone outside to grill the steaks when across the room I spotted a half of a chocolate silk cream pie on the counter. Oh goodness, my adrenaline started pumping as I honed in on that pie and as though I was in a "chocolate" trance I went to the silverware drawer and grabbed me a big ol' fork, proceeded to pop the lid off the container and without even a thought started eating that thing as though I had never had chocolate before...ha! As I came to reality, my eyes widened as I was incredibly shocked to see the only thing left remaining was a half ring of pie crust, chocolate and a little evidence of whip cream...have you ever done that? Where you ate something so delicious and realized you ate more than you had planned?  So, I guess the little girl in ...

The Mystery Revealed Through Us...

Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by the Holy Spirit Written by: Teresa Criswell Praying the Word of God; in all of it's importance to do so - do we understand the magnitude of these prayers? I have to ask myself, do I long for the constant awareness of His presence? Have I fallen asleep to the awakening of His empowering grace? Do I allow His supernatural power to invade in and through me to walk in Who He is with supernatural ability to be and do above and beyond my natural abilities?  With that said, I think on Isaiah 11:2, which I am led to pray quite often: "May the Spirit of the Lord rest on us - The Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding, The Spirit of Counsel and Might, The Spirit of Knowledge and the Fear of the Lord ." Yet today, I was compelled to continue reading on through verse 5.  Upon this reading, my eyes were opened to understanding - this prayer of The Spirit of the Lord to rest on me is to awaken me to und...


Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by the Holy Spirit Written by: Teresa Criswell     "I have to have it!  Oh my goodness that outfit is a MUST! Where can I get it?" Depending on who wears it and if they wear it well...for many in the fashion industry, their clothing is to inspire and if marketed well, it compels others to want it also. So with that said, it caused me to think of what I've been called to clothe myself's made with the finest fabrics, made by the Author of all designers who clothes the ones He has chosen to represent on the "red carpet" of this life to display His glory - as others look in awe - I must wear the rare fabrics of tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.  This beautiful array of threads interwoven with gorgeous grace gives allowance to extend to others in their faults just as He has done for me and causing me to be aware...

Have the things of God become a god?

Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by the Holy Spirit Written by: Teresa Stevens Criswell What a never let the "things" of God become my idol... - The focus was never meant to be solely on the Ark of the Covenant...but THE ONE WHO took up residence within the Ark. - The focus was never meant to be solely on the Cross but THE ONE WHO hung on that cross. - The focus was never meant to be solely on the tomb but THE ONE WHO WAS RAISED OUT OF THE TOMB. - The focus was never meant to be on prayer but THE ONE WHOM WE PRAY TO and WHO PRAYS TO HIS FATHER FOR US...THE GREATEST INTERCESSOR OF ALL. - The focus was never meant to be about church but THE ONE WHO IS THE HEAD OF THE CHURCH and imitating HIM as we are the church. - The focus was never meant to be on the gifts of the Spirit but THE HOLY SPIRIT WHO HAS GIVEN THE GIFTS. - The focus was never meant to be solely on the Bible but THE ONE WHO IS REVEALED IN THE BIBLE. - The focus was never mea...


Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by the Holy Spirit Written by: Teresa Criswell Let's just say you have a sneaky suspicion that your child is about to do something contrary to what you have taught them pertaining to what is right, just and godly - and upon that warning you talk to them and lovingly encourage them to do what is right - yet they continue on and they end up committing the wrongful deed and perhaps worst off - they even end up living in a lifestyle of sin - even after ALL the urgent pleas and fervent prayers. So the question is - "Are you to blame?" Of course not...right? So in the same manner we must no longer blame God for things that others are influenced to do by the enemy rather than the Holy Spirit...let us remember that Jesus said it Himself, "The enemy has come to kill, steal and destroy BUT I have come to give life and life more abundantly!" I hear that scripture with such deep victory: "Teresa! The enemy has come...

Looking back on my blog entry from December 31, 2009

Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by the Holy Spirit Written by: Teresa Stevens Criswell Repost from December 31, 2009 entry... "And when they had struck them with many blows, they threw them into prison charging the jailer to keep them safely. He, having receiving so strict a charge, put them into the inner prison (the dungeon) and fastened their feet in the stocks. But about midnight, as Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns of praise to God, and the [other] prisoners were listening to them, suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the very foundations of the prison were shaken; and at once all the doors were opened and everyone's shackles were unfastened."... ~ Acts 16 (Excerpt from Acts 16:23-26) ~ A fellow blogger wrote on his post, "...I sat, rather laid, much of today just in this coffin of depression, self-worthlessness, and soaking up the cloudy skies even though the sun was quite brilliant today." Descriptive feel...

Paradigm Shift

Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by the Holy Spirit Written by: Teresa Stevens Criswell How often have I prayed for Love, Joy, Patience, etc...? Investigators, counselors, leaders in many industries are taught not to just ask questions, but to ask the "right" ones. The same goes with I praying to get answers? Or am I praying to draw closer to The One Who is The Answer? In this awareness I begin to pray differently - prayer becomes communion versus a list of requests and "Get out of jail" pleas. So here's an example...I became aware of Galatians 5:22-23 in my constant need of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,    gentleness, and self-control... especially this past weekend. A situation, actually a few situations of life this weekend caused stuff inside of me to come out that God so gently highlighted in hind sight. His gentleness surrounded me as He took me back to the scenes of different real ...


Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by the Holy Spirit Written by: Teresa Stevens Criswell   "...But you belong to God, my dear children. You have won a victory over those people, because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world..." I John 4   God is wowing me at every turn.  My heart has been pricked by the King... I am still overwhelmed with the last part of God's "Question and Answer" time from yesterday, regarding HIS VAST, ENDLESS LOVE...this is what is still incredibly fresh in my spirit: "Teresa let Me pray through you...The purpose of prayer is so you align yourself with Me and then this is when prayer becomes a weapon of My heavenly exploits as you exploit Me...Be my sign and wonder to those who least deserve it...even while yet sinners, allow the sign and wonder of the Father be revealed..."      It's amazing how God can even utilize our animals to minister to

You want revival?

Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by the Holy Spirit Written by: Teresa Stevens Criswell My heart pounds with a new beat - unknowingly I had a "heart of stone" and it has been replaced so lovingly by the Holy Spirit with a "heart of flesh" - today on March 19, 2015 I got another heart transplant from The Father's heart. You may be asking, "What happened?"  My only answer is, "Subtle happenings of self that unknowingly ruled my heart instead of God's strategies." It started this morning while reading Psalm 24 and reading about The King of Glory Who wants to enter in through the ancient gates - the ancient doors - the "passage ways of old" where strongholds were allowed to be built and where the enemies have been able to hide and then when the enemies surface from these strongholds...torment, torture and destruction manifest. Yet the King of Glory desires to enter in to my mind where those strongholds w...

"Be" and then we'll properly and joyfully do...

Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by the Holy Spirit Written by: Teresa Stevens Criswell Intimacy with the Father by His Spirit Who reveals Jesus Christ causes us to hear the Voice of Freedom calling us out by name, declaring: "religion" is about uniformity and "looking" the part; whereas "relationship" with Me your God is about UNITY in My Spirit Who lovingly sets you apart! Freedom calls us out by name and declares: UNITY in CHRIST is NOT about being unified in a common idea, interest, event or cause. Instead, UNITY IN CHRIST is about being UNIFIED IN My HOLY SPIRIT which allows you to be of ONE vision - and that is MY CAUSE! Freedom calls us out by name and declares: I called you out to BE a "mighty exploit" of My Love, enjoying Me and realizing I Am Empowering Grace through you to become what I need to do through you for others to see Who I Am! Freedom calls us out by name and declares: BE a doer of The Word allowing the...