
Showing posts from November, 2015

But how?

Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by the Holy Spirit Written by: Teresa Criswell Photo courtesy of Google Images Have you ever been moved to tears? To Laughter? To anger? Have you ever been moved to frustration and then allowed frustration to cause you to vent?  Where does venting usually lead to?  For me it's a seeming myriad of thick, resistant webs...the more I "try" in my own strength; my own will power to not be "moved", it seems the more frustrated and angry I become. In this subtle drifting of being moved - whether the manifestation of leaning into God's Holy Wind by His Holy Spirit or being moved by self, an ungrateful heart that allows circumstances to cause me to see even more of what I don't have leads me to look up the definition of the word moved in the Webster's 1828 Online Dictionary: moved : stirred; excited;  stirred: agitated;  agitated: tossed from side to side; shaken; moved violently; disturbed As I r...


Triumphant Victorious Reminder Inspired by the Holy Spirit Written by: Teresa Criswell Leaning into the heart of God as though I can hear the billowing waves of His mercy and realized... God did not send Jesus in vain to die for the Christian, Jew, Buddhist, Muslim, Hindu, American, European, African, Australian, Asian, good, bad, giver, taker, rapist, homosexual, heterosexual, murderer, molestor, nurturer, philanthropist, influencer or any other religion, nation or creed; He died for each and every person within these groups as He knew each of us as an individual calling us by our name before we were ever formed in our mother's womb - He never meant for us to take on the false identity of any one of the groups mentioned. Today I am reminded that Jesus didn't die and then conquer death, hell and the grave so that we'd take on the identity or citizenship of another - but that we would take on His identity - as a son/daughter of the King of all kings so that we wou...

A powerful weapon...

Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by the Holy Spirit Written by: Teresa Criswell "What does the Lord require? To love mercy, to do justly and to walk humbly before our God." ~ Micah 6:8 ~ Photo credit: Mary Kay McCall When we walk in awe of God; we become humbled by His incredibly, infinite majesty that we supernaturally realize there's nothing too difficult for Him. Whether the situation be lofty or a difficult circumstance that seems impossible to walk through or perhaps a relationship in which we are constantly finding ourselves offended...when we walk humbly before God, I am reminded that pride is silenced. In this knowing, humility manifests so we can do what the Lord has equipped us to do what He requires; to do justly because we are in awe and moved to love The Merciful One Who abounds in infinite mercy. So here's a great weapon I am learning  in is called "humility". Those Who are in Christ Jesus already have humilit...