July 31, 2010 "Reveal Me; not you"
Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by the Holy Spirit Written By: Teresa Criswell "Then Jesus answered and said to them "Most assuredly I say to you the Son can do nothing of Himself but what He sees the Father do; for whatever He does the Son also does in like manner." ~ John 5: 19 ~ "Reveal Me. Reveal Who I Am. I have not called you to reveal who you are. Revealing yourself only causes others to stumble." When I heard those words, at first I folded my arms, scowling with a frown as my lips and nose contorted as a spoiled child. I remember saying to myself, "That's not nice!" Now if you're reading this, please realize this all happened very fast when conviction came upon me as a 'suddenly'. Immediately fear and trembling set in of Whom I was attempting to manipulate with my little tantrum. As repentance was made available at that very moment, I am glad to say that I did turn very quickly as a child being disciplined and sa...