
Showing posts from March, 2015


Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by the Holy Spirit Written by: Teresa Stevens Criswell   "...But you belong to God, my dear children. You have won a victory over those people, because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world..." I John 4   God is wowing me at every turn.  My heart has been pricked by the King... I am still overwhelmed with the last part of God's "Question and Answer" time from yesterday, regarding HIS VAST, ENDLESS LOVE...this is what is still incredibly fresh in my spirit: "Teresa let Me pray through you...The purpose of prayer is so you align yourself with Me and then this is when prayer becomes a weapon of My heavenly exploits as you exploit Me...Be my sign and wonder to those who least deserve it...even while yet sinners, allow the sign and wonder of the Father be revealed..."      It's amazing how God can even utilize our animals to minister to

You want revival?

Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by the Holy Spirit Written by: Teresa Stevens Criswell My heart pounds with a new beat - unknowingly I had a "heart of stone" and it has been replaced so lovingly by the Holy Spirit with a "heart of flesh" - today on March 19, 2015 I got another heart transplant from The Father's heart. You may be asking, "What happened?"  My only answer is, "Subtle happenings of self that unknowingly ruled my heart instead of God's strategies." It started this morning while reading Psalm 24 and reading about The King of Glory Who wants to enter in through the ancient gates - the ancient doors - the "passage ways of old" where strongholds were allowed to be built and where the enemies have been able to hide and then when the enemies surface from these strongholds...torment, torture and destruction manifest. Yet the King of Glory desires to enter in to my mind where those strongholds w...

"Be" and then we'll properly and joyfully do...

Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by the Holy Spirit Written by: Teresa Stevens Criswell Intimacy with the Father by His Spirit Who reveals Jesus Christ causes us to hear the Voice of Freedom calling us out by name, declaring: "religion" is about uniformity and "looking" the part; whereas "relationship" with Me your God is about UNITY in My Spirit Who lovingly sets you apart! Freedom calls us out by name and declares: UNITY in CHRIST is NOT about being unified in a common idea, interest, event or cause. Instead, UNITY IN CHRIST is about being UNIFIED IN My HOLY SPIRIT which allows you to be of ONE vision - and that is MY CAUSE! Freedom calls us out by name and declares: I called you out to BE a "mighty exploit" of My Love, enjoying Me and realizing I Am Empowering Grace through you to become what I need to do through you for others to see Who I Am! Freedom calls us out by name and declares: BE a doer of The Word allowing the...

How Will I Respond?

Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by the Holy Spirit Written by: Teresa Stevens Criswell "Your unfailing love, O LORD, is as vast as the heavens; your faithfulness reaches beyond the clouds." ~ Psalm 36:5 ~ I will truly not know how I will respond/react/overreact to situations, circumstances or hateful, cynical, mean-spirited, miserable people. Yet, in the meantime - I long to respond to them, especially those who have messed up with this celebratory measure of mercy and kindness that was and is continually extended to me by the SUPERNATURAL, OVERWHELMING LOVE WHO IS GOD. GOD WHO IS LOVE doesn't compromise with sin, but doesn't condemn the sinner - GOD WHO IS LOVE is patient in the midst of impatient people - GOD WHO IS LOVE  is overflowing with compassion when looking into the eyes of the  hater. Transparency is what I live by and in that I've made so many mistakes and many INTENTIONAL choices that were straight up sinful. While I am learn...