
Showing posts from February, 2010

February 26, 2010, "Dying to Live"

Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspirec by the Holy Spirit Written By: Teresa Criswell "Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live." ~ John 11:25 ~ Lord, thank you for another day. Another day you have allowed me to be a part of. You are so awesome and so amazing! As I think of how amazed I am by You, it leads me to the reminder that I am here because of You, as You have a great plan and destiny for others to see, know and experience, leading them to You through Jesus Christ. There are the ones, like myself, who profess and confess that we know You, Am I revealing You? Lord You have equipped us all to be that which the world must see. They need an encouraging word, touch and gentle embrace knowing that You continually draw us to You to be filled beyond overflowing. The overflow effect is not to only say, "Look I have and possess overflow." But it is to share and pour out that which You h...

February 25, 2010, "Thank You Father"

Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by the Holy Spirit Written By: Teresa Criswell "Be glad for all God is planning for you. Be patient in trouble, and always be prayerful." ~ Romans 12:12 ~ My sweet friend Jennifer, called me and left me a message the other day. She said, "Teresa, I was thinking of you and wanted to give you a word and it's Romans 12:12." Thank you my sweet friend and daughter of the King for your obedience! God You are So Powerful and Awesome. Your Word is Alive and it penetrates deeper than my definition of deep. I am amazed how my spirit is comforted by Your Word Yet so deeply rebuked in love. I love Romans 12 as I read the whole chapter, Wow! I know that when Paul wrote this to the church in Rome, O how it applies to us even now on how I treat others; especially to the ones whom it's hard to give what You have SO freely given. God! You are powerful and mighty! I love how You want each of us to be greatly blessed as we great...

February 22, 2010, "The End is Not The End"

"I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End," says the Lord, "who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty." ~ Revelation 1:8 ~ "But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment." ~ Matthew 12:36 ~ I pray that you are encouraged by The Source of Encouragement Who Is Almighty God. "I Am The I Am that is here, was and will always be. Come to Me, I Am your Strength. I Am Restorer. I have and possess, never to be stolen the keys of death, hell and the grave. Let Me be Your God. I Am the Key to Life, Abundance and Resurrection Power. Your own strength will run out, it will end, But I Your God Am Continual Strength; your Fountain of Living Water. This is Who I Am. I Am Provider of Your much needed strength ~ Yet, I Am also that Substance of Strength. I created You and in that creation I created a perfect purpose. A specific destiny not according to the comprehension of what ...

February 20 & 21, 2010, "Vast Realm of Awe"

Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by the Holy Spirit Written By: Teresa Criswell "The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in Him, and I am helped; therefore my heart greatly rejoices, and with my song I will praise Him." ~ Psalm 28:7 ~ Lord, to be amazed by You for only a moment causes my mind to enter an unknown, vast realm of awe. My soul and mind plead with me to come back to this mundane realm of reality. My spirit longs to stand, sit and lie down amazed at Your awesome wonder and majesty. The things that I am finding out are beyond comprehension. Yet doctrines and cliches of man has numbed me down to not believe that a great evil could exist; nor believe that Your great Power can overcome that which we don't dare look at or believe. There is a great evil that no horror movie could articulate on a movie screen that is going on around us; but this does not take away from my true Focus. My focus is on You, The Great God of The Beginning and The En...

February 19, 2010, "Amazed, Awestruck, Smitten By You God"

Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by the Holy Spirit Written by: Teresa Stevens Criswell "The heavens declare His righteousness, And all the peoples see His glory. ." ~ Psalm 97:6 ~ Lord, You are amazing! You are God, You are King! Lord, I am amazed, awestruck, smitten, enamored, captivated by You! You are gloriously ravishing, majestically powerful and mighty. The mountains tremble with great honor as they declare Your glory. The heavens declare Your glory. The animals and creatures of land and sea find food that You have provided for them. They declare Your excellent glory! The waters that roar with a beautiful rhythm of grace declare Your Majestic Power! I am reminded today to reveal and declare with my life that belongs to You that I am ravishly captivated by You. You have equipped me with Your glorious light, how can it be hidden? The Light is You. Your Light is brighter than a million suns, why do I compare it to a 'this little light of mine'? The ...

February 18, 2010, "Obtain and Keep Pressing On"

Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by the Holy Spirit Written By: Teresa Criswell "Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me." ~ Paul ~ Philippians 3:12 ~ My husband was telling me the story this morning of Dan Gable, an olympian gold medalist wrestler who won his olympic gold medal in the 1972 Munich, Germany Olympics. The very night he attained the amazing honor for which he worked beyond hard for, received his gold medal at the olympics defeating the Russian favorite who had never been beaten; Dan went onto defeat him for the gold medal. Not only did he accomplish the victory over the Russian olympian, but he went through the entire olympics with not one point being scored on him. After the medals were awarded to the medal winners, that very evening was a celebration at the hotel for the wrestlers and other olympian medal winners. By the time the festivities...

February 17, 2010, "Perception and Perspective"

"Those who live at the ends of the earth stand in awe of your wonders. From where the sun rises to where it sets, you inspire shouts of joy. You take care of the earth and water it, making it rich and fertile. The rivers of God will not run dry; they provide a bountiful harvest of grain, for you have ordered it so. You drench the plowed ground with rain, melting the clods and leveling the ridges. You soften the earth with showers and bless its abundant crops. You crown the year with a bountiful harvest; even the hard pathways overflow with abundance. The wilderness becomes a lush pasture, and the hillsides blossom with joy. The meadows are clothed with flocks of sheep, and the valleys are carpeted with grain. They all shout and sing for joy!" ~ Psalm 65:8-13 NLT ~ I was looking at the ground as I was about to walk up the stairs. My husband came around the corner, catching me off guard as he embraced me. He said, "Teresa, I was in the garage and I thought of all the adven...

February 16, 2010, "Receiving and Releasing"

"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning." ~ James 1:17 ~ Wooooooooooooooooo!!!! Our computer is back into full working order! I thank the Lord for my friend Rachel and her husband, Ivan. I applaud and thank them both for utilizing their marketplace skills to assist our family in such an awesome way! Rachel and Ivan, please know how grateful we are and I am excited to 'trade' my organizing skills in return for this great hook up! Our applications are even better than before...thank you! My fingers are very grateful as they are dancing upon the keyboard at this very moment! As I write today, I am more than amazed to see my heart's yearning for more of what God wants to reveal in my heart, mind and life. The yearning for God and His Word, allows My Father's desires for me to manifest upon my life. The transformation that wants to come upon me i...

Am I Settling for The Counterfeit or Waiting on The Authentic?

Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by the Holy Spirit Written by: Teresa Criswell "And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart." ~ Galatians 6:9 ~ I am in awe of God’s patience in the midst of our impatience. The things that are revealed when we study His Word amazes me beyond belief. I ponder this thought provoking moment in history. When Abram was promised by God the Almighty Promiser that he would have a son. This was of great concern to Abram as he was quite concerned who he would leave his inheritance to as he was without children. He asked the Lord with great disappointment, I’m going to leave all that I have to my servant? The Word of the Lord came to him and encouraged him greatly taking him outside and showing him the stars in the heavens and told him to count the stars, if you can do such a thing. What God had shown Abram was an analogy of what his offspring would be. After great doubt and needing proof o...

February 8 through February 15, 2010, "Random Thoughts"

Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by the Holy Spirit Written By: Teresa Criswell "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you." ~ James 4:8 ~ I sit and pause to find the word...ok two words...utterly amazed. I am truly and utterly amazed by the King. His gracious mercy and love that He pours over me is indescribably amazing. As I sit here in the library, hearing the 'clicks' of the 'mice', the modems hum, the fingers click upon the keyboards, I would love to shock 'em all...haahaa! I would love to hilariously stand up on the desk, dramatically raise up my arms to the ceiling and yell, "Wow! God is good! Look at each of you so intricately made with the ability to ponder, wonder, and knowing that at this moment we are given permission to be ALIVE! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!" I sound crazy, yes I know...but I admit...I am! Haahaa! All I can say is thank You Lord for another day you have made. May my life just exemplify Your ...

February 4 ~ February 11, 2010, "Love"

Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by the Holy Spirit Written By: Teresa Criswell "...God is Love." ~ I John 4:8 ~ I'm on line today, utilizing my sister's computer as we visit her and her beautiful family; including their beautiful new addition to their family...Emmie Kay Carter Gaines. She is so precious. I truly appreciate your patience as we are in the process of getting our computer back to 'health'...but this is not my focus. I must admit that I am amazed that without my computer how I can see more clearly. When I say that, I mean I see life around me with great appreciation...the journal and my pen impress the heartbeat of my passion for God. I must clarify however, this is not my passion that drives me; it is definitely the passion of God stirring on the inside wanting to breathe out of me with great intention and purpose. I want to share my heart with this simple journal entry that cast such a glorious perspective on the Love of God. Not on...