Faith, Hope and Trust or Misplaced Faith, Hope and Trust
Have you ever had this tinge of faith, hope and trust that the process you're going through would get better; or that someone you knew would be healed? Perhaps you had faith that someone's marriage would be restored or maybe you had faith that you'd finally receive that 'thing' you've been longing for. Perhaps you were even believing God to have children or believing God that one of your children would be able to have children. With a few of these examples of seeming hope and faith, I have realized there are so many things I have hoped for and had faith in and yet, all the while not realizing something so significant. There was a cutting yet joyful realization that I was awakened to this false hope for things to happen instead of having faith in the greatest happening and that is Almighty God. Today, let's remember this Triumphant Victorious Reminder of contending for the faith...but it's no longer fighting for a vaporing circumstance to change. Instea...