
Showing posts from 2014

"I was cold and you kept me warm..."

Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by the Holy Spirit Written by: Teresa Criswell "For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home. I was naked, and you gave me clothing. I was sick, and you cared for me. I was in prison, and you visited me.'" - Jesus as recorded in Matthew 25:35-36  Photo courtesy of Temple and Cindy Cash Photo courtesy of Temple and Cindy Cash Generosity oozes out of every fiber of Cindy's being as the compassion of God radiates her countenance. Glimpses of Jesus' face seem to appear - He radiates through her in a similar way as He did through Mother Teresa. Amazed as I watch her while we carry an intentional conversation - conversation that gently provokes the stream of gratitude to fall from her beautiful eyes down her sculpted face.  Lips full as they quiver, her gentle voice shaking; overwhelmed with joy, she is able to finally ...


Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by the Holy Spirit Written by: Teresa Stevens Criswell Matthew 22:37-40 Tattooed on my heart were these words, "Teresa, titles and positions are seasonal - but purpose is eternal." Sabotaging truth, obliterating lies caused me to take notice of the mindset of this world system. From 'raving' accolades, 'proper' recognition, 'honorable' status, 'coveted' titles and 'desirable' positions of authority. Is there anything wrong with those things?  No - yet when the focus of the accolades and titles become our identity, that is when the results of this focus becomes dangerous.  What happens when the season ends of those things? Sadly, what we thought was 'identity' quickly disappears and leaves the door wide open for depression to come in with lies to entangle and ensnare us causing us to shipwreck when it could have been prevented all along. But how can it be prevented?  Quite simp...

Edited - Prayer that changes EVERYTHING?

Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by The Holy Spirit Written by: Teresa Criswell I apologize as I realized there were a few grammatical mishaps on my part.  I could blame the auto correct on my mobile device, but I won't...thank you so much for understanding. :) "Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive anyone's sins, they are forgiven. If you refuse to forgive them, they are not forgiven." - John 20:23, NLT - Do you want to pray a prayer that will change EVERYTHING in your life? The prayer I speak of could be considered ugly, yet it revealed and continues to reveal the face of God's beauty. I'm not talking about the prayer known as "The Lord's Prayer" - although that is part of it. Nor am I referring to the prayer during the grueling moments before His arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane. Perhaps the greatest prayer declared by Jesus while tortuously hanging upon that splintered cross on Calvary was the follo...

Weapon of Gratefulness

Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by The Holy Spirit Written by: Teresa Stevens Criswell " Enter his gates with thanksgiving;      go into his courts with praise.      Give thanks to him and praise his name." - Psalm 100:4 - Do we want to overcome by not being led by how we feel? Do we want to see victory in not being led by what we just heard that may have been hurtful? It's easy to be seduced away from focusing on God in the midst of negativity, isn't it? Are we being led by those thoughts that whisper with deceit, "Look! You prayed and it still didn't work"? Are we being led by status quo? I know for me these are temptations but God always provides a way out by the weapon of thankfulness and praise to the One Who is The Exit Route. So I ask myself, Are feelings willing to die for me? Are familiar bad experiences that try to convince me to disobey so I'm not hurt again, did those experiences die for me? Is negativit...


Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by the Holy Spirit Written by: Teresa Criswell 1 Corinthians 12     Courtesy of Google Images   My heart is so lovingly convicted by the power of the Holy Spirit. I shake my head as I write this, how could this epidemic happen? How did this thinking creep into the church? The subject I speak of is DISCERNMENT. This subject has been thwarted by the enemy as the 'right' to excuse ourselves from people's lives that we don't have time for or feel threatened by.  I have been guilty of this...does it mean I continue to 'hang out' with them - of course not, but it's an assignment to allow God's compassion to flow through me in my personal prayer time to cheer for them in the spirit. I am learning so lovingly by the Holy Spirit of God that the TRUE GIFT OF Discernment - IS the gift to discern spirits - not the right to crush the spirit of a human being. The gift of discernment is not meant to judge people....

"Send Me, I'll Go"

Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by The Holy Spirit Written by: Teresa Criswell   In honor of the greatest Veteran of all...Jesus Christ and to all the veterans from the past, present and future of our United States of America, this is to honor each of you! They said, "Send Me, I'll Go" "To those who bear the colors of RED, WHITE AND BLUE - You WHO were and are moved by the theme of our BANNER as God is over you. ... Those who witnessed their brother's and sister's who died in their youth - It was not in vain as they went into paradise with the triumph of Calvary's salute. To bear the brunt of freedom which is NEVER free, It cost many something, both in soul, word and deed. Many bear the outward and inward scars of the enemy's fight, but your scars reveal triumph in the midst of tragedy's plight! No fury of the enemy with weapons of tyranny and control could hold back a nation of warriors who would dare to run an...

BAM! Victory!

Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by the Holy Spirit Written by : Teresa Criswell "Today is a good day for a good day" because God made it! He made it with you in mind and He is faithful, whether we see it right now or not. You are His masterpiece in Christ Jesus. And remember the enemy flees - he runs in terror when we submit and lean and trust in God as our submission declares resistance to the ways of the enemy and in that hiding in God - he flees in terror for a season. The enemy will be back - but we again will be ready and prepared as we utilize the equipping power of God by declaring, "It is written..." And the Blood of Jesus! We declare light in the midst of darkness. We utilize God's love in the face of hate. We utilize life in the midst of curses and all the while we get to declare Jesus name above all!!! References: Quote from Fixer Upper Psalm 118:24 Ephesians 2:10 James 4:8 Revelation 12:11 "Be  Stunning To The Enemy...

Heaven's Language - The Language called Faith

Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by the Holy Spirit Written and shared by: Teresa Stevens Criswell   "Then He took a deep breath and breathed into them.  "Receive the Holy Spirit," he said.  "If you forgive someone's sins, they're gone for good.  If you don't forgive sins, what are you going to do with them?" - John 20:22-23 - The Message (MSG)     "...Heaven has a perspective that gets lost on earth. And so we need to begin to speak the language of heaven to the issues of earth, so that we begin to see the earth come into conformity to God's plan for it." - Lisa Bevere This means we GET TO speak the language of heaven over people - over situations - over ourselves..."we GET TO speak the language of heaven by the power of the Holy Spirit." Please watch every minute of this video...especially toward the end - it ties together with heavenly eloquence and insight!  The last part of Lisa's story ...

Scrolled Love Note #5

Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by the Holy Spirit Written by: Teresa Criswell "You are Mine and I Am yours. I Am your Love Song. I Am your wind and breath and I long for you to see yourself and others the way I see. I see with Triumphant, Overcoming Victory. Let the rhythm of My heartbeat become yours, let your heart echo Mine as My joy, compassion and peace overflows by the power of My Holy Spirit. I NEVER asked you to reveal yourself. I NEVER asked you to do it on your own. I NEVER asked you to give others from your own resources but from what I produce through you - ALL I want you to do is to ECHO Me by giving to others what you have freely received for yourself from Me as I Am The Source of ALL - I AM THE SOURCE OF LOVE, MERCY, COMPASSION, JOY, RIGHTEOUSNESS, FORGIVENESS. The Love I have for you is beyond your understanding this side of heaven, Papa God Scripture References: Song of Solomon or Song of Songs Psalm 104 Matthew 11:28-30 Galatian...

Scrolled Love Note #4

Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by the Holy Spirit Written by: Teresa Stevens Criswell   If you've read the previous posts titled "Scrolled Love Note...", you'll understand the title of this post.  The following is what I was led to write coming from a small glimpse of the Mighty heart of our Father God.  I know this is to someone who needs a 'right now' word on worthiness. "I Am worthy - I Am a mirror for you to look into so you may finally see your TRUE reflection. For I The Lord call you worthy. Yes! You are worthy for I call you worthy - I, The Lord call you worthy - hear Me! I, The God of ALL, The GOD WHO IS WORTHY, declares you are Worthy. For you to say you are unworthy says I am a liar, haha! I AM only TRUTH, there is no lie in Me. I have the Last Word over your life, will you choose to believe My Words? Let Me take every fracture of rejection and abandonment from the womb. Let Me take every fracture...

Scrolled Love Note #3

Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by the Holy Spirit Written by: Teresa Stevens Criswell If you've read the past two posts, you'll understand what the scrolled love note 'campaign' is about.  If you need to get caught up, you can simply click here .  Today, day 3 of 6, here is another scrolled love note I had the opportunity to choose - I pray this encourages you... "You can run - but I have pursued you with My Everlasting Love. You think I'm finished with you? Haha! My child, this is a lie - you must long to believe Me as I Am Living Truth. Let Me have the Last Word over your life - I Am the Author and Finisher of your faith.  Will you allow Me to be the Author of your story, revealing My Victorious Testimony? Experience Me.  See Me.  Finally know Me as the Author of your life, I urge you to now live so others can read your story with adventure and joy - encapsulated  by Me Who is Peace! I love you with My Endless,...

Scrolled Love Note #2

Triumphant Victorious Reminder Inspired by the Holy Spirit Written by: Teresa Stevens Criswell "Peace.  I Am your Peace Who allows you to walk through the muck and chaos. I Am here - My authority I have already given you allows you to command chaos to be still and in order. This is key, CHOOSE ME moment by moment - every step - and peace will overtake you even while chaos is all around, I surround even that.  Behold Me! Make yourself aware to My presence that is already with you. I love you with Who I Am, I Am eternal and in Me, my Love is Endless, Papa God" Scripture References: Isaiah 26:3 John 14 John 16:33 Psalm 46:10

Scrolled Love Notes

Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by The Holy Spirit Written by: Teresa Stevens Criswell   For the next few days, I will be posting one scrolled love note at a time that I believe the Lord inspired me to write last week.  I was led to write 20 small notes and roll them into small scrolls. The scrolls pictured above are the ones that were left over from when we gathered at our most recent time together within the setting of,  Daughters of The King Life Group.    Perhaps the scroll I selected today is just for you or someone you know: "Yes! I hear you. I heard you from those moments even when it seemed like your darkest hour. I have always been with you. Now it is time for you to hear Me - come to Me, come close. I Am here. I Am speaking. Open My Word, My love letter to you. As you call on Me, just know I will answer you - but I won't just answer you, I will show you great and mighty things you've ...

The Transfer

Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by The Holy Spirit Written by: Teresa Stevens Criswell Pumpkin spice fragrance oil permeated the morning senses to awake and crave for the Fall season that is quickly approaching. Fall reminds me of God's embrace when needed most; this particular season compels that craving for The Lord in His Word like no other. With all of that, my daughter & I met up in the kitchen for our coffee time with Jesus as we read together through Proverbs 25:21-22, Matthew 5:43-48, Luke 6:27-38, and Romans 12:20-22 Upon these readings, we realized even more that in this life we're going to unintentionally and perhaps intentionally wrong others and others are going to do the same toward us - BUT, will we stay a mess because of it? We were reminded to ask ourselves, "How will that glorify the King of Freedom and Deliverance?" So here's the awesome "light bulb moment"... When we receive Salvation -Who is Jesus - as awe...

Faith is Ugly?

Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by the Holy Spirit Written by: Teresa Criswell James 1 When is faith really faith?  As Terry Pruett, the well known 'Possibility Architect' and CEO of XMO Global says, "Faith isn't faith until it's tested." Well then if that is the case, if "faith isn't faith until it's tested" , then how do we know when we're walking in faith?  The answer to that question is found in a few places of scripture, however one the most well known scriptures is found in James 1. The exercise and the drill to know that our faith is working within us is when we count it all joy when circumstances come our way, especially in those moments we cannot control.  Counting it all joy?  Really?  This causes me to realize that when I count it all joy in the midst of trials and tests, it is because I am intentionally choosing to COUNT on God - my faith is in Him which fills me with joy that is unexplainable. Wit...

42 years ago...

Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by the Holy Spirit Written by: Teresa Criswell   T he landmarks that were set in the background from that memorable day on June 21, 1972, has led you both to this very moment from which your story began – From Seoul, South Korea, to Honolulu, Hawaii and finally to the Los Angeles, California airports.   Think about this – so many moments, innumerable to count all the people walking by in that moment; in every terminal; goodbyes softly spoken; hellos excitedly shared; to the vacationers coming and going to the anticipated reunions and perhaps those mourning a loss to those who were starting all over again as fear caused their hands to sweat and their hearts to sink.   Those many moments filled with people in every circumstance revolving around one another – yet in those moments, it was like a pause in the universe as you must have felt the joyful nervousness of being reunited assisted by adventure of unbridled love and the ...

Exhausted or Empowered?

Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by The Holy Spirit Written by: Teresa Criswell "I am given His Spirit, therefore, I have access to the mind of Christ." ~ I Corinthians 2:10-16 ~ There are two balloons - as I hold them both, they look the same. They're the same color and same size, BUT when I let go - one balloon soars to the ceiling and the other falls to the ground. The balloon filled with air and breath has no ability to allow the balloon to rise above - the balloon filled with helium allows the balloon to soar...same goes with who we are - our spirit man is pure and our soul man is weighed down by our will, emotions and past experiences.  We expect to live a life for God in the soul, carnal realm - but it's not possible to make choices of the Spirit of God with our own power or might. HOWEVER, what is possible in Christ is to live a life according to The Spirit of God - but how? It starts with our mouth. Yes! When we regularly exercise - more than...

Brokenness To Wholeness

Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by The Holy Spirit Written by: Teresa Stevens Criswell "...Beauty of God in exchange for ashes of this life , the oil of joy in exchange for mourning and depression, the garment of praise in exchange for the spirit of heaviness and oppression ..." ~ Isaiah 61:3 ~   As I had many times before, I dropped my phone; but this time the drop brought shattering results.   At first bummed, then calling my mobile phone carrier to upgrade, it was in that moment I wasn't willing to pay nor sign a two year contract and found myself attempting to figure out "how" I could get my upgrade at no cost. It was in that very moment The Holy Spirit utilized my iPhone to teach me something so beautiful. It was that sweet, gentle whisper as though I could hear Him say, "Teresa,  don't worry. Let this be a reminder of your life without Me." As the call ended, in a silly way I held my phone close and said, "Thank Y...

Rescued...but by Who?

Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by the Holy Spirit Written by: Teresa Criswell "For He has rescued us from the kingdom of darkness and transferred us into the Kingdom of His dear Son, Who purchased our freedom and forgave our sins." ~ Colossians 1:13-14 ~ The building was consumed with fire. The billowing black smoke revealed the intensity of the fire from within. On the top floor of the enormous sky rise building with no way out, suddenly the door burst wide open with incredible intensity. Not being able to tell if the door had been forced open due to the flames, but no matter what, the intense heat of the fire quickly consumed the room; crackling sounds were evidence that things were melting at record speeds. Surrounded by the reminder of your last moments as your life flashes before you - you can feel the strength like never felt or imagined as you are picked up, wisked off feeling the forceful, yet gentle wind of being carried out of the building a...

Do you know...?

Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by the Holy Spirit Written by: Teresa Criswell Do you know a man who is merciful yet walks in great authority? How about a man whose words are few yet when he speaks, his words have incredible weight? Have you ever met a man who is so fixed on His God that the demonstration of his life is not about what he says but how he lives? This man I ask about is none other than my earthly dad. Vanishing point, mind blowing thoughts race my mind to think that out of all people, my sisters and I would get to have a daddy like him.  I have often wondered, why me Lord?  Why would you allow me to have this sweet encounter with an earthly father who is incredibly rare? I have to be honest, these thought have brought me to guilt at times as I was not the easiest daughter to raise - a daughter who witnessed at the age of 13, her daddy in the living room, praying on his knees to a God that seemed so far away - yet he prayed at 4 am as though he...

Abandoned Yet Chosen

Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by the Holy Spirit Written by: Teresa Criswell (Re-post from October 24, 2011) "Father to the fatherless, defender of widows- this is God , whose dwelling is holy. God places the lonely in families; he sets the prisoners free and gives them joy..." ~ Psalm 68:5-6a ~ She stood before the mirror, staring at her saddened reflection. The thoughts entering her mind, whirling about at cataclysmic speeds as she was on the brink of making the biggest decision of her life. Torn by the news of her pregnancy, her mind led to the unknown experience of adoption. The thoughts invoked fear, which led to the deceptive 'quick fix' thoughts of abortion. The more she allowed that destructive thought to burrow into her mind, it dangerously became a 'logical' option that she could justify. She would not only have to experience seeing her baby at the appointed birth, but she would not have to feel the aching pry from her...

Top Five Things I Was Reminded to NOT FORGET...

Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by the Holy Spirit Written by: Teresa Criswell Top Five Things I Was Reminded To NOT FORGET... 1. Prayer changes things??? Actually this alone is FALSE...Let it be clarified - It is GOD Who changes things and He uses prayer as one of many 'tools' to let us see change. Just like the shofar, anointing oil, prayer cloths, worship music, praise, dance, banners, fasting, etc. - those things alone don't do the's WHO those things are commit ted to - The One True God - that changes things. However, when these things are properly used while focusing our faith in God - these things help change our perspective and mindset to completely focus on our Awesome God and get rid of doubt and walk in faith - HAVING FAITH IN GOD...FOR WHEN THIS HAPPENS THEN WE CAN SAY TO THE MOUNTAIN, 'MAY GOD LIFT YOU UP AND THROW YOU INTO THE SEA, AND YOUR COMMANDMENT WILL BE OBEYED...WE CAN TALK TO THE MOUNTAIN ALL DAY, ...

Heavenly 'Snapshot' Transfer

Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by The Holy Spirit Written by: Teresa Criswell "This accords with the Tanakh , where it says, "I have appointed you to be a father to many nations," Avraham (Abraham) is our father in God's sight because he trusted God as the One who gives life to the dead and calls nonexistent things into existence." ~ Romans 4:17 (Complete Jewish Bible) ~ Spacing out into the vanishing awe and wonder of God while washing the dishes in the sink, and then BAM! I saw the face of someone I had not thought of for over 15 years.  I shook my head as though I was clearing my thoughts as if to ask, "Where did that thought come from?"  Usually, in most cases, I have found that these 'pictures of people's faces' are what I call heavenly 'snapshots' from God, transferred and downloaded into my thoughts for a purpose.  These are the moments that stir the joy of the Lord within me.  Why?  For this reason......