Brokenness to Wholeness...but HOW?

Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by the Holy Spirit Written by: Teresa Stevens Criswell Through the weeping I heard her whisper, "Jesus, as I go back to that moment where I found him dead; I give it to you so you can bless it...I'm so sad that my kitty is gone but what the enemy meant to destroy, Lord I give to you - bless that moment I found him and thank You for blessing me all the other moments that I got to have with him. Thank You Lord for Your healing from this hurt, please have Your way Lord..." My heart was moved to the point of tears. Our daughter, 15 years of age was living out her faith in God, even in the midst of pain. The pain of finding her sweet 3 year old kitty, who she had just seen hours prior playing and being frisky as any other day...and found him under the bed, thinking he was asleep and finding that he had passed away with no warning. She knew this moment, even though it was an animal and not a human, could f...