June 30, 2010, "Mem, Prayer of Healing in Jesus Name"
Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by the Holy Spirit Written by: Teresa Criswell "...By His (Jesus') stripes we are and were healed." ~ Isaiah 53:5 & I Peter 2:24 ~ I imagine in time past a little girl many years ago looking up at the blue sky, the wind blowing in her hair and the clouds moving slowly above her. Like reflection in water, you can see the skies moving through her awestruck eyes; so moved by the majesty of the heavens that declare the Holiness and Glory of God. The dreams that roll through her mind at that very moment are as a dance of beauty and romance. Who will I marry one day? What will my children look like? I will be the best mom ever! As time passed through her; the excitement of marriage, the joys of children suddenly seemed to stand still. The rough edges of adulthood as a result of life, concealed the smooth surface of beauty and innocence of a child. The beauty of a child, seeing through eyes of faith and powerful, immovable lo...