
Showing posts from December, 2011

Jesus Chose The Womb Of A Teenage Girl Over Heaven

Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by the Holy Spirit Written by: Teresa Criswell I leave you with a a few thoughts this Christmas... "Jesus chose the womb of a teenage girl over heaven." ~ Joy Dekok Jesus, The Word, gave up His right to what was His ~ uncommon and divine royalty. The surpassing understanding of Jesus' amazing sacrifice, would be one of many more uncommon sacrifices that Jesus lived out; revealing the incredible, indescribable, majestic compassion of our Father God Who SO loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son; that whoever believes in Him should not die in eternity but have everlasting life. As we tear open gifts, give gifts or ponder this day whether it be with sadness or gladness...may we be quick to lift our eyes and intentionally gaze with incredible awe upon the Father's heart and being truly humbled by His great majestic love toward each of us. Therefore, as we are reminded of the Triumphant Victory that is ours thro...

We WILL Rejoice and be glad in it!

Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by the Holy Spirit Written by: Teresa Criswell "This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it!" ~ Psalm 118:24 ~ In a hurry to get ready for the day, thoughts of gratefulness sped through my mind. Suddenly, what seemed random, was truly the cataclysmic reminder of Who intentionally and on purpose made this very day! Captivated by the reminder of Psalm 118:24, the writer of this Psalm was overwhelmed by the reality of what surrounded him...his present moment; the moment he was awakened to the reality of being allowed to be a part of God's eternal calendar. Compelling intentions of God led the writer, who could have very well been Abraham, to not only rejoice, but passionately proclaim to his people, "Right now! This very moment is the day that our Yaweh, our Jehovah, our God has made! We WILL rejoice!" Notice he didn't say, "If you want to rejoice then go ahead. Instead, with the purpo...

Revised: Need A Gift Idea?

Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by the Holy Spirit Written by: Teresa Criswell "The King is enthralled by your beauty." ~ Psalm 45:11 ~ God Is Enthralled By Your Beauty , is a book that I have self-published and getting to promote. Although some may think I am promoting myself, be assured, this is not the case. I truly believe in the message of this book while God continues to do an excavation of my heart; I have been awakened to the mandate and responsibility of rising up in that place of beauty knowing that not only I, but the other daughters who have been declared, 'Worthy' by the King of kings! This awakening has compelled me to not only rise up on my behalf, but also to see and to be moved with incredible passion to awaken the many daughters who have fallen asleep to their own cries of hopelessness, shame and thoughts of unworthiness. If you are looking for a gift that will not only bring the reminder of significance but also bring to ligh...

Stillness; the Beautiful Stance of Worshiping God

Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by the Holy Spirit Written by: Teresa Criswell "Call unto me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty (remarkable) things which have never seen before." ~ God, as recorded in Jeremiah 33:3. You may be going through grief caused by divorce; an unexpected death of your precious child, or beloved spouse, a beautiful family member and friend. Maybe you have just found out you have been betrayed by your spouse, friend or family member. Or it is possible that you are the one who has betrayed someone and regret overwhelms you, you even feel that your life is over. Perhaps you are torn with knowing that the relationship you are in is destructive, and you know you need to pray for that person, but you also know that you need the courage to leave. Others may have experienced a job loss and with that, your identity unknowingly was wrapped up in that position you held. You may feel stripped, exposed, naked and unclothed by any of these ...