Jesus Chose The Womb Of A Teenage Girl Over Heaven
Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by the Holy Spirit Written by: Teresa Criswell I leave you with a a few thoughts this Christmas... "Jesus chose the womb of a teenage girl over heaven." ~ Joy Dekok Jesus, The Word, gave up His right to what was His ~ uncommon and divine royalty. The surpassing understanding of Jesus' amazing sacrifice, would be one of many more uncommon sacrifices that Jesus lived out; revealing the incredible, indescribable, majestic compassion of our Father God Who SO loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son; that whoever believes in Him should not die in eternity but have everlasting life. As we tear open gifts, give gifts or ponder this day whether it be with sadness or gladness...may we be quick to lift our eyes and intentionally gaze with incredible awe upon the Father's heart and being truly humbled by His great majestic love toward each of us. Therefore, as we are reminded of the Triumphant Victory that is ours thro...