
Showing posts from May, 2012

The Key to entering God's gates!

Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by the Holy Spirit Written by: Teresa Criswell "Enter into His gates with thanksgiving; go into his courts with praise.  Give thanks to him and bless his name.  For the Lord is good.  His unfailing love continues forever, and His faithfulness continues to each generation." ~ Psalm 100:4-5 ~ Image from Are you being seduced? You know that moment where you are no longer focused on the abundant goodness of God, instead now focused on the fierce lack of this life (Consisting of difficulties in circumstances, people, trials, hardships)?  Do you want to kick some major a@% in this area of discontentment, complaining and seeing with mere human sight of your facts and reality resulting in only seeing obstacles?  Do you want to begin living in the place of God's abundant, supernatural vision of Truth revealing faith seeing opportunities in the midst of the obstacles? Here's an exercise for the remedy.....

Mother's Day!

Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by the Holy Spirit Written by: Teresa Criswell Dear God, You are the most beautiful MOTHER, revealed by your Holy Spirit; our Comforter, Nurturer and Teacher...When we as mom's feel as though we are at our wit's end, YOUR SUPERNATURAL POWER TO NURTURE and TEACH is ever present in our time of need and when we recognize that power; your gifts, our children truly flourish! Happy Mother's Day to YOU LORD! To my earthly Mom, you are a beautiful woman, hilarious to be around and amazing to listen to!  Your words coupled with that irresistible accent which flows out of your mouth with passionate wisdom is a blessing!  Your way of wanting to surprise us with your presence has become a contagious tradition in which we attempt to find ways to do the same for one another and for our own children! Mom, the way you look at life, your perspective, is many times seen through the passionate love of God!  I know many adult...

Simple gift, yet profound in their delivery!

Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by the Holy Spirit Written by: Teresa Criswell "God is my strength and power, He makes my way perfect" (complete). ~ 2 Samuel 22:33 ~ Moments ago, I was cleaning my son's old desk.  My mind stayed focused on the chore, when a familiar voice interrupted my fixed thoughts as I scrubbed away the dirt.  Hearing him say, "Mom" so playfully is quite a blessing.  Actually, altogether to hear the precious word "Mom" be said of me, by him, this handsome young man is beyond joy to my ears. As he and his wife entered the room, their adorable grins never grew faint.  Cody looked over at his wife and then looked back at me and bashfully said, "Mom, we couldn't wait.  Happy Mother's Day".  Slowly getting to my feet I was beyond blessed noticing in Cody's hand, a long rectangular plaque and a card decorated with large letters, spelling "Mom".  Elated, I said, "For me?!"  Wit...

Contributing Writer, Poppa C.O.

Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by the Holy Spirit Teresa Criswell Today's 'TVR' Contributing Writer: Poppa C.O. Farmer Let me introduce you to a wonderful man of God.  His name is Poppa C.O.  Yes, that's right, we call him Poppa.  He is a man who spoke God's faith, hope and love revealed by God's wisdom into my parents when I, their daughter had gone astray for many years. Many of you know about God's testimony in Poppa's story...please read on as Poppa has had an online daily devotional for many years now.  Thanking God for His blessings as we partner with Him in our obedience revealing our love for Him as He first loved us! Good Day to you, my Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus. This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. As we continue our journey through the Gospel of Luke, we pick up in Chapter 13, verse 10. The Word says: "On a Sabbath, Jesus was teaching in one of the synagogues, and a w...