I want to be...
Triumphant Victorious Reminders Inspired by the Holy Spirit Written by: Teresa Stevens Criswell "What does the Lord require? To love mercy, to do justly and to walk humbly before our God." ~ Micah 6:8 ~ I want to be a "better" person...be a "better" wife...be a "better" mom...Be a "better" this or that. Yet, what's the key? Read more books? Do more? Or perhaps if I jump twice, turn around on one leg, hop on one foot and do it over again? No, of course not... although there are good resources in teachings, conferences, meetings, and so forth - the key is SIMPLE YET PROFOUND - I just get to be in Him and be aware that He is in me. As mentioned in time past - this knowing is a mystery of awe and wonder. But how do I get to this place? By drawing near to God - getting intimate with Him and I will learn what He loves and then learn from the Holy Spirit, the Holy Refreshing Wind to love what He loves. Does...