
Triumphant Victorious Reminders
Inspired by the Holy Spirit
Written by: Teresa Stevens Criswell
"...But you belong to God, my dear children. You have won a victory over those people, because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world..."
I John 4
God is wowing me at every turn.  My heart has been pricked by the King...

I am still overwhelmed with the last part of God's "Question and Answer" time from yesterday, regarding HIS VAST, ENDLESS LOVE...this is what is still incredibly fresh in my spirit: "Teresa let Me pray through you...The purpose of prayer is so you align yourself with Me and then this is when prayer becomes a weapon of My heavenly exploits as you exploit Me...Be my sign and wonder to those who least deserve it...even while yet sinners, allow the sign and wonder of the Father be revealed..."  
It's amazing how God can even utilize our animals to minister to us...how?  Well, this is what the Lord did this morning...He utilized my dog Jack as a beautiful reminder of how I  must look to God for everything. Just as our dog relies on us his master for his everything...so I must do the same.
Jack lays by me when I sleep, and yet no matter how tired he is, Jack rises up and follows me around.  Even now he lays by my feet...It is as though I can hear the Spirit calling, whispering...
"Teresa, this is what I long for so you don't fall into the deceptive traps...when I say, "Let Me lead you...what does My leading look like?  My leading causes you to FOLLOW ME; look up at Me daughter.  Teresa, those moments when Jack no longer focuses on you, what is the cause?  And I knew the answer immediately...the number one focus "stealer" for our dog are those darn squirrels.
It was as though the Lord was saying with a smile as He was giving me an illustration, "Teresa, let me remind you that the "squirrels" of this life are intended to steal your focus from Me...it's one thing for them to catch your eye but it's another thing for you to allow the "squirrels of this life" to catch your focus and consume you.  As the squirrel is working hard to hide it's "nuts", remember the very thing he hides is the very tool to drive you "nuts".  The squirrels are just used as a tool against you so you forget my great goodness in the midst of this fallen world. Remember moment by moment that I live through you to remind the fallen world that I reign!


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