"How To" or "Go To"

Triumphant Victorious Reminders
Inspired by the Holy Spirit
Written by: Teresa Criswell

Intimacy causes us to know our authority in Christ and in that place is where we experience God's power to overcome. It's not a "how to" as much as it is a "go to"...Who we go to will reveal the how.

WHO are we going to when life gets scary and uncomfortable?
Are we running to self?
Or are we running to God?
Who are we talking to?
Are we unintentionally talking to the enemy?
Are we constantly yelling at the enemy to go? I'm finding out that this is just a twisted form of "prayer" - when we keep giving him credit and glory, this is when we will be more aware of what the enemy is doing versus being more aware of what God has already done. In this defeated perspective, by default, when we confess and declare that we are being "attacked" we have just fallen into the strategy of the enemy. And what is his strategy? Yet again, the enemy's mode of operation is to distract us so we keep our eyes off God Who is our Victory. The facts are, we are being attacked, but have we ever focused on the TRUTH that God has gone before us? Is our focus on what the enemy is doing or what God has already done?

Are we impatiently waiting for what we hope for OR are we waiting on The One Who is Hope by praising Him for Who He is. But what if we don't know Who He is? Then we can find out by simply asking Him and watch His Holy Spirit lead you to His Word to reveal His character as He is Faithful and Steadfast!

Or how about when unworthiness or doubt come in or let's say I have a thought that I know is NOT truth, then I say out loud: "God! This thought I give over to you - bless this moment Lord that could have ruined me Lord. Bless that person who the enemy tried to use to detour me - they need your Mercy Lord. Bless them Father in Jesus name!" This is "how" we release people and situations to Him. Again, it is that simple. Amazingly enough it is not about being "ready" it's about, "are we willing?" As my daughter said Sunday, "Willimgness determines readiness. Readiness does not determine willingness."

Perhaps my mind has been filled with depressing thoughts...most likely it's about me praying for someone else who I may not even know and saying, "Lord! Whoever is feeling this way, Father, I release your Joy to Strengthen them and then begin to have a FAITH LAUGH  - laugh out loud ON PURPOSE and say, My God is bigger and I know You God are my Strength! Whether we feel it or not, I press into Him BY speaking that...that's an example of "how" to live a victorious life AWARE OF WHO LIVES IN ME AND WHO I LIVE IN.

Another thing is remembering all the GREAT things God has done...thanking Him by faith for (As Pastor Chris says) your faith in Him, thanking Him for your family, thanking Him for your finances (Even when you see lack, speak thankfulness for what you have) and thanking Him for your future in Him!

Intimacy comes from a place of just saying, "I submit to You Father" -
submission is the tool that causes us to resist the enemy. 

If all we do is attempt to resist the enemy, we will most likely not submit to God because we are so busy resisting and in that we get tired, cranky, ungrateful, depressed, and worn out, but JOY comes in submitting to the Father! 

What also helps quite often is when I play the "Fathers Love Letter" or when I begin soaking in worship music to assist me in drawing close to the Lord and then suddenly gratefulness flows!


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