September 14, 2022 | To Truly Lend
After reading Proverbs 19:17, a thought came…
"How did we get the lending of the world and the lending of God so twisted up?”
God's kind of lending has no selfish agendas. He helps those who have fallen and gets them to rise again. He doesn't help while saying, "You owe me."
The lending of the world is of course necessary; but not when helping others who are down. The lending of the world says, “I know you’re down; but you still owe me (with interest).”
As believers in Christ, what an incredible gift we can give. The gift of giving to others without expecting anything in return from them; truly fixing our giving on God while others benefit. In whatever way we are able to give; it's an honor to do so from God’s magnificent love. Giving from God's love allows us to continually sow seeds of blessings to others whether we deem a person is deserving or undeserving.
The greatest investment we can make besides following after Jesus, is investing in people! Following after Jesus leads us to investing in others. Not just with money; but in whatever we are able to give.
What a Triumphant Victorious Reminder in giving to God with no expectations from man. We get to have a transformed heart and renewed mindset about lending. Getting to lend from God’s abundance; not from our lack. Just think...God keeps no record of our wrongs while also not keeping record of what He has done right (I Corinthians 13).
Other scripture references:
Proverbs 25:21-22
Matthew 5:44-48
Luke 6:27-36
Romans 12:9-21
Love, Teresa Ann
What can you share about how God has transformed your heart toward Him about lending to others?
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