July 14, 2011, "Desperately Craving"

Triumphant Victorious Reminders
Inspired by the Holy Spirit
Written by: Teresa Criswell

"Seek [crave] first the kingdom of God and His righteousness..."
~ Matthew 6:33 ~

She desperately cries out to her Righteous and Just God, "Do you hear me, Lord? I long for You."

Her cries are immediately hushed as she is reminded of the mounting laundry, dishes accumulating in the dirty sink, the ever constant 'to do list', and the 'run yourself ragged' errands leading her to the reality of the right now as she is seduced from her desperate need to experience the intimacy that she so longs for with her Awesome God.

I am reminded by the uncanny 'tug of war' as our days are measured by time, yet Eternal God is not moved by our twenty-four hour time table; He is only moved by faith in Him as He hears His Eternal Word being echoed back with fervent declarations of praise.

As we attempt to stifle the cravings with the distractions of this life may we remember that the constant distractions that we fill ourselves with will only lead to the dehydration and malnourishment of our aching souls that can never be satisified by anything but The refreshing Holy Spirit of God.

I must be overwhelming enthralled by the aching desire of my God and King to run after Him, not growing weary; walking and not fainting as the waiting upon the Lord provides renewed strength (Isaiah 40:31).

I am moved with awe of my aching desire of Him, the One and Only Glorious, Infathomable God and King.

I love You Lord; I am desperately in need of You, as there are others who are praying for someone to love them, to show them they are loved. I need to be overflowing with Your love, not just for me but for others to receive what I have received so beautifully. I can not hoard what I have freely received from You, I must freely give from the portions of your eternal grace, a vessel that pours out with fervent passion.


  1. Loved this post! Praying that the Spirit will create a deep hunger for the Lord inside my soul. I pray for an ever increasing knowledge of Him. Praying He might fill your spirit to the full as well sister.


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