Growing Opportunities
Triumphant Victorious Reminders
Inspired by the Holy Spirit
Written by: Teresa Criswell
"Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me."
~ Psalm 51:10 ~
I love the GROWING opportunities that life throws our way. You know...those moments when people are influenced to think they can pull one over on you; or perhaps those who are talking badly about you behind your back; maybe there are those who are even trying to convince you that things are happening when they're not; even those who complain about how they would do things differently or 'better'; O how the list goes on.
Unfortunately I have done everyone of those things as well. After I have been convicted, God's loving mercy leads me to repentance. Not just 'saying' I'm sorry...but truly repenting...that action of turning toward God and turning away from the old.
Today, I am truly grateful for His merciful love by His Holy Spirit that must constantly flow through me, guiding me, counseling me and teaching me how to live a life of abundant love by the power of God's Holy Spirit
There are times where we do have to separate ourselves...and maybe even times where others will separate themselves from you or me. No matter what, we have to look at those situations as lessons learned. When we've been wronged we remember the vast mercy of God's love over us and place what we have so freely received over ourselves upon others as we pray for them. Remember your relationship with that person may only be revealed as their prayer warrior, speaking life over them in the midst of seeing nothing that resembles life at all. Yet in the midst of that, watch God's compassion rush through you and me; trumping all circumstances and wrongs. As His compassion grows within you there is no explanation within this physical realm, for God's Triumphant Victory is Supernatural Love.
Inspired by the Holy Spirit
Written by: Teresa Criswell
"Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me."
~ Psalm 51:10 ~
I love the GROWING opportunities that life throws our way. You know...those moments when people are influenced to think they can pull one over on you; or perhaps those who are talking badly about you behind your back; maybe there are those who are even trying to convince you that things are happening when they're not; even those who complain about how they would do things differently or 'better'; O how the list goes on.
Unfortunately I have done everyone of those things as well. After I have been convicted, God's loving mercy leads me to repentance. Not just 'saying' I'm sorry...but truly repenting...that action of turning toward God and turning away from the old.
Today, I am truly grateful for His merciful love by His Holy Spirit that must constantly flow through me, guiding me, counseling me and teaching me how to live a life of abundant love by the power of God's Holy Spirit
There are times where we do have to separate ourselves...and maybe even times where others will separate themselves from you or me. No matter what, we have to look at those situations as lessons learned. When we've been wronged we remember the vast mercy of God's love over us and place what we have so freely received over ourselves upon others as we pray for them. Remember your relationship with that person may only be revealed as their prayer warrior, speaking life over them in the midst of seeing nothing that resembles life at all. Yet in the midst of that, watch God's compassion rush through you and me; trumping all circumstances and wrongs. As His compassion grows within you there is no explanation within this physical realm, for God's Triumphant Victory is Supernatural Love.
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