Do you know...?
Triumphant Victorious Reminders
Inspired by the Holy Spirit
Written by: Teresa Criswell
Do you know a man who is merciful yet walks in great authority?
How about a man whose words are few yet when he speaks, his words have incredible weight?
Have you ever met a man who is so fixed on His God that the demonstration of his life is not about what he says but how he lives?
This man I ask about is none other than my earthly dad. Vanishing point, mind blowing thoughts race my mind to think that out of all people, my sisters and I would get to have a daddy like him. I have often wondered, why me Lord? Why would you allow me to have this sweet encounter with an earthly father who is incredibly rare?
I have to be honest, these thought have brought me to guilt at times as I was not the easiest daughter to raise - a daughter who witnessed at the age of 13, her daddy in the living room, praying on his knees to a God that seemed so far away - yet he prayed at 4 am as though he was so near. In those moments, my dad humbled to know the only way through this life was and is to seek God with everything as guidance and protection would fall into place over his wife, my mom and his girls.
This great man who constantly spoke life into me when others gave up - he championed the heavens to chase his daughter down when she was beguiled and deceived by the world's glamor and the seemingly fulfilling gratification of right now. My dad, a man who called on Jesus, the name above every name, to dispatch His angels to take charge over me in all my ways so that I would come back home...not just home with my family - but my true home, being aware moment by moment of God's incredibly matchless presence - seeking His face, pursuing Him with everything and never turning back...that HOME! For dad you knew that once I encountered my true home not from your experience but from my own with Jesus that this would only compel me forward, loving God with everything which would overflow into loving myself and others and in that revelation of God's true love would cause me to never quit! Dad, through partnering with God in obedience, you allowed the course to be set the course to fix our eyes on the Author and Finisher of our faith and his name is none other than JESUS!
Why do I write all this for you to see? Because today is my dad's anniversary of his birth - his birthday!
Daddy, we all love you, you are a unique treasure. Some may only have known you as that cute, little mischievous little boy, others as that rebellious teenager and then there are those who may have only known you as a hippie or a young man serving in the military -
Dad is the 2nd one from the left... |
- but the lineage you have left behind for your family and so many others is your demonstration of being a warrior for the King of all kings. We must thank God for His persistent vessel in the 1970's by the name of Ray Pew who was the first to witness you drop to your knees and receive Jesus not only as Savior but Lord as Ray was the first to see your lineage forever change - and to God we are grateful for him but also grateful dad that you said YES to God - for we and so many more are a life that was and is forever changed...
Dad, there's something else you need to know - you were and are that awe inspiring example of how we can approach our Heavenly Father with boldness, laughter and great surety that He will never turn us away, for you did that for each of us. I know with boldness that God will never say, "Not now - I don't have time..." - Instead dad you gave us a glimpse of the example of consistently taking the time to pray over us, speak into us the Word of God even in the midst of squirming about wanting to go play as you allowed the patience of God to echo and be displayed through every fiber of your being.
Well dad, I could write so much more - but what a privilege and honor to know you and wish you a happy birthday. Thank you for cheering on heaven on my behalf and even when it looked like the game of my life was ending with a score of 70-0, you cheered me on and said, "Teresa, there's a call on your life - NOW ANSWER IT - CATCH IT - YOU CAN DO IT - I BELIEVE IN YOU!"
Love you!
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