I want to be...
Triumphant Victorious Reminders
Inspired by the Holy Spirit
Written by: Teresa Stevens Criswell
I want to be a "better" person...be a "better" wife...be a "better" mom...Be a "better" this or that.
Yet, what's the key?
Read more books?
Do more?
Or perhaps if I jump twice, turn around on one leg, hop on one foot and do it over again? No, of course not... although there are good resources in teachings, conferences, meetings, and so forth - the key is SIMPLE YET PROFOUND - I just get to be in Him and be aware that He is in me. As mentioned in time past - this knowing is a mystery of awe and wonder.
But how do I get to this place? By drawing near to God - getting intimate with Him and I will learn what He loves and then learn from the Holy Spirit, the Holy Refreshing Wind to love what He loves.
Does this mean I have to hide myself in my prayer closet for hours on end? No...now sometimes there are moments where God will have us set aside time, but most of the time it's in our every moment "moments". It's simply put in Micah 6:8, "...To love mercy, to do justly and walk humbly before our God." In this beautiful principle, whatever role I'm operating in - this lifestyle of abundant living will manifest! The key is to remember this: to love Mercy is to love the God Who IS Mercy. To Do Justly is to be in Him Who is Justice and in those things you can't help but walk humbly before this extraordinary, incredibly powerful GOD!
So I ask myself, before approaching my husband, son, daughter or others, how does God deal with me when I've messed up? Does he yell, "I told you so you idiot! Quit your crying! Why do I even deal with you?!" ABSOLUTELY NOT! Instead, our Gracious, loving God lifts my head and gently corrects me with showing me how to do it better the next opportunity that arises. His correction includes beautiful teaching. For instance, "Teresa, did you learn from this? Good. Now let Me arise in you so all that can come forth is praises of Who I Am."
Something I have learned in the praise is it's not about praising Him because God needs it...it's as though I can hear His voice, "Teresa, you praise Me because I Am Worthy. Daughter, you praise Me as this is My Divine Strategy to rescue you out of the pit of condemnation and despair. I Am complete, I lack nothing, for I Am Abundant Life. I Am Overflow. I Am More Than Enough. You have made progress my daughter in Me. Now listen daughter, this is vital, you are not to measure progress by how another one of my children are living - progress in Me is not meant to be measured - instead progress is meant to be aware of My grace that empowers you to reveal Me more and more until evidence of you disappears and all that remains is evidence of Me. Teresa, I long to be revealed through you as the "I Am" to the hurt, the ones who are in misery and overwhelmed by anxiety. I Am to be revealed through you - just abandon yourself to Me and let me operate through you - it will be effortless if you give in. NO longer attempt to pay penance for something you can never pay off...I paid your debt in full - now receive the pardon and "PARDON ME" AS I OPERATE THROUGH YOU."
Triumphant Victorious Reminders of the greatness of God leads us to a lifestyle of no longer turning back on Him - but forever following Him. As the song says, "The Cross before me, the world behind me...no turning back, no turning back." Whenever I hear that song I think of our brothers and sisters throughout the uttermost parts of the world who are being led to be slaughtered and this is the theme of their beating hearts..."I have decided to follow Jesus...No turning back...no turning back..." I weep as it must be because of the reminders that beat within their heart, echoing within their ears, pulsating through their veins of God's crazy, radical love that nothing, absolutely nothing could duplicate this kind of divine, endless love - absolutely nothing - not even the temptation to deny Him to live a little while longer...
Inspired by the Holy Spirit
Written by: Teresa Stevens Criswell
"What does the Lord require? To love mercy, to do justly and to walk humbly before our God."
~ Micah 6:8 ~
I want to be a "better" person...be a "better" wife...be a "better" mom...Be a "better" this or that.
Yet, what's the key?
Read more books?
Do more?
Or perhaps if I jump twice, turn around on one leg, hop on one foot and do it over again? No, of course not... although there are good resources in teachings, conferences, meetings, and so forth - the key is SIMPLE YET PROFOUND - I just get to be in Him and be aware that He is in me. As mentioned in time past - this knowing is a mystery of awe and wonder.
But how do I get to this place? By drawing near to God - getting intimate with Him and I will learn what He loves and then learn from the Holy Spirit, the Holy Refreshing Wind to love what He loves.
Does this mean I have to hide myself in my prayer closet for hours on end? No...now sometimes there are moments where God will have us set aside time, but most of the time it's in our every moment "moments". It's simply put in Micah 6:8, "...To love mercy, to do justly and walk humbly before our God." In this beautiful principle, whatever role I'm operating in - this lifestyle of abundant living will manifest! The key is to remember this: to love Mercy is to love the God Who IS Mercy. To Do Justly is to be in Him Who is Justice and in those things you can't help but walk humbly before this extraordinary, incredibly powerful GOD!
So I ask myself, before approaching my husband, son, daughter or others, how does God deal with me when I've messed up? Does he yell, "I told you so you idiot! Quit your crying! Why do I even deal with you?!" ABSOLUTELY NOT! Instead, our Gracious, loving God lifts my head and gently corrects me with showing me how to do it better the next opportunity that arises. His correction includes beautiful teaching. For instance, "Teresa, did you learn from this? Good. Now let Me arise in you so all that can come forth is praises of Who I Am."
Something I have learned in the praise is it's not about praising Him because God needs it...it's as though I can hear His voice, "Teresa, you praise Me because I Am Worthy. Daughter, you praise Me as this is My Divine Strategy to rescue you out of the pit of condemnation and despair. I Am complete, I lack nothing, for I Am Abundant Life. I Am Overflow. I Am More Than Enough. You have made progress my daughter in Me. Now listen daughter, this is vital, you are not to measure progress by how another one of my children are living - progress in Me is not meant to be measured - instead progress is meant to be aware of My grace that empowers you to reveal Me more and more until evidence of you disappears and all that remains is evidence of Me. Teresa, I long to be revealed through you as the "I Am" to the hurt, the ones who are in misery and overwhelmed by anxiety. I Am to be revealed through you - just abandon yourself to Me and let me operate through you - it will be effortless if you give in. NO longer attempt to pay penance for something you can never pay off...I paid your debt in full - now receive the pardon and "PARDON ME" AS I OPERATE THROUGH YOU."
Triumphant Victorious Reminders of the greatness of God leads us to a lifestyle of no longer turning back on Him - but forever following Him. As the song says, "The Cross before me, the world behind me...no turning back, no turning back." Whenever I hear that song I think of our brothers and sisters throughout the uttermost parts of the world who are being led to be slaughtered and this is the theme of their beating hearts..."I have decided to follow Jesus...No turning back...no turning back..." I weep as it must be because of the reminders that beat within their heart, echoing within their ears, pulsating through their veins of God's crazy, radical love that nothing, absolutely nothing could duplicate this kind of divine, endless love - absolutely nothing - not even the temptation to deny Him to live a little while longer...
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