The Mystery Revealed Through Us...
Triumphant Victorious Reminders
Inspired by the Holy Spirit
Written by: Teresa Criswell
Praying the Word of God; in all of it's importance to do so - do we understand the magnitude of these prayers?
I have to ask myself, do I long for the constant awareness of His presence?
Have I fallen asleep to the awakening of His empowering grace?
Do I allow His supernatural power to invade in and through me to walk in Who He is with supernatural ability to be and do above and beyond my natural abilities?
With that said, I think on Isaiah 11:2, which I am led to pray quite often: "May the Spirit of the Lord rest on us - The Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding, The Spirit of Counsel and Might, The Spirit of Knowledge and the Fear of the Lord." Yet today, I was compelled to continue reading on through verse 5. Upon this reading, my eyes were opened to understanding - this prayer of The Spirit of the Lord to rest on me is to awaken me to understanding what the Spirit of the Lord desires to be through me, just as the Spirit of the Lord did through Jesus - it's not just to be smart and witty or know how to see, say and hear things more clearly - it's truly to be able to:
- Delight in obeying the Lord
- Never judge by appearance (Whether they look the part or not), false evidence, or hearsay.
- Defend the poor and the exploited.
- Rule against the wicked and destroy them with the breath of our mouth.
- Be clothed with fairness and truth
Today's Triumphant, Victorious Reminder is that in His presence is fullness of joy to be able to delight in obeying Him; to delight in never judging others by their appearance (Whether they "look" good or bad), false evidence or hearsay; to delight in defending the poor and the physically and spiritually exploited; with humility to rule against the wicked as we speak what The Spirit of God would speak through us, cutting sharper than any two edged sword - being able to see clearly between the soul realm and the spirit realm; and with delight be clothed with fairness and truth.
As we pray the Word of God, may we realize it's not just to possess "super" powers to look good or having the false mindset of "accessing" a "genie in a bottle" - the purpose is to reveal the loving power of God to see people set free to be a part of releasing them from their prison cells and FINALLY seeing the glory of the Lord through us which gives others hope - for we have the honor to be ambassadors - representatives and agents of a beautiful mystery - and that mystery is simply this: we are the hope of Glory, and that is us revealing with our actions that Christ lives in us!
Scripture References:
Isaiah 11:2-5
Isaiah 61:1-3
Psalm 16:11
Colossians 1:27
Inspired by the Holy Spirit
Written by: Teresa Criswell
Praying the Word of God; in all of it's importance to do so - do we understand the magnitude of these prayers?
I have to ask myself, do I long for the constant awareness of His presence?
Have I fallen asleep to the awakening of His empowering grace?
Do I allow His supernatural power to invade in and through me to walk in Who He is with supernatural ability to be and do above and beyond my natural abilities?
With that said, I think on Isaiah 11:2, which I am led to pray quite often: "May the Spirit of the Lord rest on us - The Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding, The Spirit of Counsel and Might, The Spirit of Knowledge and the Fear of the Lord." Yet today, I was compelled to continue reading on through verse 5. Upon this reading, my eyes were opened to understanding - this prayer of The Spirit of the Lord to rest on me is to awaken me to understanding what the Spirit of the Lord desires to be through me, just as the Spirit of the Lord did through Jesus - it's not just to be smart and witty or know how to see, say and hear things more clearly - it's truly to be able to:
- Delight in obeying the Lord
- Never judge by appearance (Whether they look the part or not), false evidence, or hearsay.
- Defend the poor and the exploited.
- Rule against the wicked and destroy them with the breath of our mouth.
- Be clothed with fairness and truth
Today's Triumphant, Victorious Reminder is that in His presence is fullness of joy to be able to delight in obeying Him; to delight in never judging others by their appearance (Whether they "look" good or bad), false evidence or hearsay; to delight in defending the poor and the physically and spiritually exploited; with humility to rule against the wicked as we speak what The Spirit of God would speak through us, cutting sharper than any two edged sword - being able to see clearly between the soul realm and the spirit realm; and with delight be clothed with fairness and truth.
As we pray the Word of God, may we realize it's not just to possess "super" powers to look good or having the false mindset of "accessing" a "genie in a bottle" - the purpose is to reveal the loving power of God to see people set free to be a part of releasing them from their prison cells and FINALLY seeing the glory of the Lord through us which gives others hope - for we have the honor to be ambassadors - representatives and agents of a beautiful mystery - and that mystery is simply this: we are the hope of Glory, and that is us revealing with our actions that Christ lives in us!
Scripture References:
Isaiah 11:2-5
Isaiah 61:1-3
Psalm 16:11
Colossians 1:27
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