June 17, 2010, "Abba"

Triumphant Victorious Reminders
Inspired by the Holy Spirit
Written by: Teresa Criswell

"And because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son in your hearts, crying out, "Abba, Father!"
~ Galatians 4:6 ~

Father God, You are my delight.
I realize my need for you even more when my wants will not satisfy this insatiable appetite.
The cravings within me only get stronger for Your glorious presence to manifest. I yearn for Your Glorious Face to shine upon who I am so that I may reveal You to those who unknowingly desire You.

I know that my flesh cannot survive your Holy presence. My flesh would melt away by Your All Consuming Glorious Fire; there's a cry on the inside O God, I need You. I need You, I want You, I desire You. I desire for Your love to penetrate the hearts of the many whose spirits long for You, even though their minds do not know the desire of their spirit that cries out for Your Holy Spirit.

I desire Your powerful testimony of grace to be revealed in my life so that others may be refreshed. Not refreshed by who I am; but refreshed by You the Constant Refreshing Source of Mercy, Love, Grace, Power, Boldness, Truth, and Wisdom! The world cannot contain all the books in the world that would attempt with great failure to describe who You are! I only have a glimpse of who You are.

Lord, my thanksgiving to You for Your glorious power that engulfs me with an embrace that cannot be described or uttered. The mute awe of my heart has no translation of Your Awesomeness! The moaning that comes forth from within and out of my mouth are humbled by who You are; Holy, Righteous, Just God!

Getting to be your daughter; the Most Famous One; I get to call You my Daddy, my Abba! O Abba! I long to smell Your fragrance; I long for You God! My physical body begins to jitter and salivate as it cannot fathom such addiction that my spirit longs for! Abba! Thank You! Thank You Father for Your glorious love! Your love for me is not based on my performance, what I am good at, or what I have or haven't done! Your love is solely based on Who You are...not who I am! But the desire to love You because of Your love is overwhelming! Your love and grace cause me to not want to disappoint You. It causes me to desire Your ways more than my own! I long for my actions to line up with my desires. I want to please You. I long to reveal my gratefulness to Who You are!

Thank You Abba!

Love your grateful daughter,


  1. I love stopping by your blog..you always have me thinking no matter what your post is about. THANKS!!



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