June 30, 2010, "Mem, Prayer of Healing in Jesus Name"
Triumphant Victorious Reminders
Inspired by the Holy Spirit
Written by: Teresa Criswell
"...By His (Jesus') stripes we are and were healed."
~ Isaiah 53:5 & I Peter 2:24 ~
I imagine in time past a little girl many years ago looking up at the blue sky, the wind blowing in her hair and the clouds moving slowly above her. Like reflection in water, you can see the skies moving through her awestruck eyes; so moved by the majesty of the heavens that declare the Holiness and Glory of God.
The dreams that roll through her mind at that very moment are as a dance of beauty and romance. Who will I marry one day? What will my children look like? I will be the best mom ever! As time passed through her; the excitement of marriage, the joys of children suddenly seemed to stand still. The rough edges of adulthood as a result of life, concealed the smooth surface of beauty and innocence of a child. The beauty of a child, seeing through eyes of faith and powerful, immovable love.
I wonder, as time passed through her life, what happened when she sat in the doctor's office as she heard the report of cancer over her body? Did life seem to end at that moment? Maybe. Yet something inside of her said to fight. She fought with all her might and with the assistance of her doctors, family and friends she came through. Little did she know that she would have to face cancer numerous times throughout her life. Today, June 30th, 2010, the doctors have found cancer yet again in her vocal chords. She was previously in the hospital as her kidneys shut down. Barraged with great trials of sickness and disease, she still holds her head up high to be there for her beautiful family. She sees them as a blessing for this is who she has fought to live for...family!
The beautiful woman whom I mention is a woman I have never met. However, we are privileged to know her son JJ and his beautiful family. His mom's name is Mem.
Thank you for praying for Mem and her family. This day I declare by the authority of Jesus Christ and by His power through the Holy Spirit that Mem is healed in her physical body because of the Blood of Jesus! We pray for removal of any and ALL hindrances in the name of Jesus. We believe the report of the Lord that the Blood of Jesus has conquered sickness, disease and infirmities as Jesus revealed as He was led by The Compassionate One, revealing the Father God. I also pray God's ministering laborers into your life so that you will see your faith increased by the power of God's encouragement through others upon you. We thank You Lord in advance for what You have already seen done be manifested upon Mem's life in Jesus name! Thank You Lord that we give YOU all the glory and we applaud your majesty! Thank you Lord! In Jesus Name. Amen!
The many Triumphant Victorious Reminders are that:
Jesus healed the sick!
Jesus opened the eyes of the blind!
Jesus opened the ears of the deaf!
Jesus opened the mouths of the mute!
Jesus delivered those who were demon possessed!
Jesus resurrected the dead because He is Life and Life Eternal!
More than anything, Jesus is The Lamb of God and coming back as the Lion of Judah!
Jesus is Victory!
Jesus is The Way!
Jesus is The Truth!
Jesus is The Life!
Jesus is Lord! Hallelujah!
Mem, hang onto the promises of God. Read the Gospel of John and see what Jesus did for all who came to Him! He never said, "No"!
His "YES!" was an action!
The Loudest "Yes" ever heard!
He willingly came to earth and put away His Diety to become flesh for us! He took the violent stripes upon His back and hung on the old rugged cross. He declared the Battle Cry of Victory right before the Roman soldiers, "It Is Finished"! Did you know that when the Roman's would take over a city, their victory cry was, "It is Finished!"? Yes! He used the Battle Cry of the Enemy and turned it around as He revealed the Holy, Just, Righteous and Redemptive Plan of God! The Glory of God revealed in his death but more than anything in His power of Resurrection Life! This is our reminder that He has the last word! Always and forever! For eternity!
Anyone reading this, if you have not received the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ, I urge you to do so! Take the Rescuer's Hand and let Him lead You to Everlasting Life that you have never dared to dream! Call upon the Name of the Lord and you SHALL be saved (Acts 2:21)! There is no penance, no nothing that you could do that would come close to saving your own soul as He has provided. His gift is FREE to you, but it COST HIM EVERYTHING! Once you get a taste of the Goodness of the Lord; you will not be able to help but share it with others. Your capability to love will be surpassed by the overflowing, constant love of God that you will not be able to keep it to yourself.
No matter the circumstances, the Joy of the Lord will reveal His strength even in your weakness (II Corinthians 12:9). He will bring you through. He longs to do so; but He will never force Himself into relationship with anyone.
He asks you to come; so come willingly.
His beautiful Hands reach out to you. Will you take His hands?
Will you cling to Him as He embraces you?
O how He loves you and me with a love that we could never describe or imagine!
Say, "Yes" to Him today.
Will life be easier? I'm not saying that...but I am saying it will be more beautiful, even when the storms of life attempt to come against us; we can know and experience Him and who He is which is Peace that surpasses ALL of our understanding.
Be encouraged today by the reminder of the One who longs to love you and also longs to be loved by you!
Teresa, you are such a beautiful and demonstrative writer (much like you as a person!). I praise God that He chooses to show us such beauty and wisdom through you, his daughter. I am honored to call you my "sista". I love you!
ReplyDelete(that last "anonymous" was me, Holly. I forgot to post my name. heehee
ReplyDeleteThank you for eloquently speaking GODS heart through your pen.