August 6, 2010, "Motivation by the signals to trust"

Triumphant Victorious Reminders
Inspired by the Holy Spirit
Written by: Teresa Criswell

"He who believes in Me (Jesus) as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water."
~ John 7:38 ~

To be motivated by who you a wowing, awesome revelation of Who You are!

You have given our bodies a mechanism of pain to motivate us for relief.
You have provided a mechanism of tiredness to motivate us to rest.
You have caused the mechanism of hunger pangs to motivate us to eat.
You have given us the mechanism of cravings to reveal the vitamins we lack.
You have caused the mechanism of thirst to quench that thirst motivating us to become re-hydrated.

Lord, I thank You for your provision of what is triggered when there is a lacking not only physically but also in our hearts.
May we see that Your provision of health is right before us. May we not deafen the signals by resisting what is needed; and may we not deafen the signals by overdoing what is needed. May we be a balanced people; spirit, soul and body because of Jesus Christ Who must be our Salvation; for He is the Only Way, He is the Only Cure!
Father, in the Name of Jesus I thank You for the revelation of Your understanding that You are the Only Way; whether it is with someone who is so kind and loving all the way to the unlovable who have committed heinous crimes and have done things beyond even our minds comprehension of evil.

Lord, You have given our spirit the same mechanism of tiredness to find our only Rest in You.
You have given our spirit the same mechanism of hunger to motivate us to our only Satisfaction, which is You, for You are the All Sustaining Bread of Life.
You have given our spirit the same mechanism of cravings to reveal what You want to so lavishly provide, to motivate us to eat on Your Word.
You have given our spirit the same mechanism of thirst so that You, our Living Water quenches our thirst from other things and other gods.

Lord, thank you for the signals...may we listen to those signals and be actively motivated as we cling, focus and as our eyes stay on You, because we trust in You!


  1. Hi Teresa,

    Thank you my sister for offering up a prayer of acknowledgement to our Awesome God. I say, "Yes" in agreement that we may be balanced as a people; spirit, soul and body because of Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord.

    Bless you.


  2. Thank you, Teresa, for a beautiful reminder that not only is our faith and trust a wonderful gift from God - so is the motivation and signals we get from the "still, small voice" to go to Him for nourishment!


  3. Amen! My granddaddy always lived by the adage of listening to his body to keep it healthy...he lived to be 93 years old. So I am pretty sure it worked!

  4. MTJ, thank you for stopping by...and yes, let's be in agreement to be a people who are distinct from all others, living balanced lives: spirit, soul and body. You encourage me each time you stop by.

    Sharon, yes, the still small voice to go to Him for nourishment...thank you for stopping by; as I am encouraged by your comment and the reminder...

    Karen, that is so cool in regards to your granddaddy...I am blessed by these examples who lived a long life, being satisified by the wisdom of God...the innate wisdom that is within us, from Him...if I'd listen, the possibilities in Him are endless...more than anything, the longer I live on earth, the more investments I can make in people.

  5. What great thoughts, Teresa! It is vital that we listen to that Inner Voice, in all things. Wonderful reminder in all these signals. Blessings to you!

  6. I love how you start out with our physical mechanisms of motivation and end with our spiritual mechanisms of motivation. The spiritual ones are so important but can sometimes be easy to dismiss. I especially love this line, "You have given our spirit the same mechanism of hunger to motivate us to our only Satisfaction, which is You, for You are the All Sustaining Bread of Life." AWEOSME Teresa!!!

  7. Teresa -

    It's amazing when we think, like David, about how God made us.

    Psalm 139:14
    I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well.

    I think this sums what you're saying; how He created us with these mechanisms all for specific purposes.

    Thank you for this amazing insight!

    God bless!

  8. I did not join in on Spriritual Sunday, but I do like to go around to each blog reading everyones thoughts and inspirations. I am also following you.

    Would love to have you stop by my blog
    My Journey With Candida

  9. I just got home from work and was so blessed by your visit and encouraging comment. Nice to meet you sister. Amen to this post! May we be not selective of these signals and learn from them, to use them to lead us right back to the One Who longs to hear from us and be drawn always near to Him. May you have a blessed week ahead and looking forward to future visits :) God bless and protect you. I love your background music. "Revelation"...

  10. Sorry...I tried to follow you but it's not allowing me at this time from google. It was saying it was too large to be opened. If you don't mind me adding you to my blog roll :)

  11. Teresa,
    I followed you from Deborah Ann's markings in the Woods. She quoted you with some very wise words - I just wanted to meet the woman of wisdom behind those words. You spoke right into her dream - powerful insight you had there.

    Thank you for your heart of hearts here. God is well pleased with His choice in YOU.

    Keep growing closer to JESUS!
    Patrina <")>><

  12. Theresa- Thank you so much for the encouraging words! I feel like I am soooo thirsty for something and I keep replacing it will hobbies. You have waken me to realize that I need my time with God above all else or NOTHING will satisfy me! I have noticed I am fallen behind in this area. Thank you so much for the post!

  13. Once again, the timing here is right on target. It's uncanny! It's a God thing...

    Love you Teresa! Thank you for being an encourager, and sweet sister in the Lord!


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