August16, 2010, "Cookies"

Triumphant Victorious Reminders
Inspired by the Holy Spirit
Written by: Teresa Criswell

"Commit your works to the Lord, and your thoughts will be established."
~ Proverbs 16:3 NKJV~

"Roll your works upon the Lord [commit and trust them wholly to Him; He will cause your thoughts to become agreeable to His will, and] so shall your plans be established and succeed."
~ Proverbs 16:3 Amplified ~

Cookies. Who doesn't love cookies? Ok...there may be some out there who don't prefer them; but I know many who do; and I'm one of them.

God knows that I long for the day to get to be a vessel in blessing someone financially...but in the meantime, He is showing me to give what I do have. In my case, it has been giving my time in making chocolate chip cookie bars. Sounds silly, doesn't it? There have been many times where I would rather not embarrass myself with making something so simple, seemingly nothing profound; however, I am learning when I commit it to God; He will make it become a gift of great significance. Not the gift itself; but the act in giving the gift, revealing Him, The Gift Giver.

I have told many people this before; my dream job would be to deliver flowers. It is somewhat of a selfish desire. You may ask, "Selfish?" Well, yes, somewhat. I have thought how awesome it would be to have a job, to get to see a smile on the recipient's face as they open the door and to their delight an array and assortment of beautiful colors annihilate their eyes; the beautiful display translates that the recipient is loved, thought of and cared for.

The thought of the flowers leads me back to the cookies. It has been awesome to see the appreciation the recipient's receive when they receive a gift in cookies. So small, seemingly insignificant; yet a great tool to show appreciation and revealing a glimpse of our Father God's love for them. Over two weeks ago, we were led to bless the local fire department, my daughter and I were turning into the fire department location when on the sign, it read:

Whenever a plate or box of cookies are dropped off; we are led to write a note of the powerful message of God's Salvation, revealing our Rescuer; Jesus Christ. It was awesome to do that with the firemen; as they have rescued many; and to show our appreciation to them our earthly rescuers; we can reveal through our lives our Rescuer; The Way, The Truth and The Life...Jesus Christ, The Son of God. Revealing Him by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Two weeks later, it was laid on our son, his friend and our daughter's hearts to bless the people at our local Walgreen' we prepared and prayed over the cookies, praying that they would be a blessing to the one's who receive and that as they ate, they would truly TASTE and SEE that the LORD is GOOD!

Now look at the recipient...look at her smile! When I see her smile, I think, "Wait 'til you see how awesome God is; you won't be able to stop smiling!" The supernatural strength we need and must have; is revealed by His Everlasting Joy!

This woman's smile reminds me that I must allow the Lord to be seen in my life with great delight; causing the ones who were in mourning to laugh. Causing the ones who were depressed to become joyful no matter the circumstances and to cause the once hopeless to be hope-filled because of our Hope of Glory, Jesus Christ!


  1. How wonderful! And quite frankly, chocolate chip cookies are comfort food personified! I know, right!?!

    I try to make the local police department in our small town a goodie tray for Christmas season. They helped me in a very bad situation Dec. 21, 2006 when I was scared to death. The least I can do is to let them know each year at that time that what they did for me helped tremendously & I feel the desire to share some of my yummies.

    PS - Wed. is when school starts here. I will carry on the tradition this year that I started 8 years ago...I make chocolate chip cookies to welcome my boys home from their 1st day!

    Wonderful post - thanks for sharing! ~ Merana

  2. Hi Teresa,

    I enjoyed reading about giving and how it allows God to operate through me to reach someone. Giving the chocolate chip cookie bars is representative of you and just seeing the response says it all; the smiles in the photos reveals how people respond to our giving.

    I was encouraged by your words, "It was awesome to do that with the firemen; as they have rescued many; and to show our appreciation to them our earthly rescuers; we can reveal through our lives our Rescuer; The Way, The Truth and The Life...Jesus Christ, The Son of God."

    Blessings and peace my sister.


  3. And that's what's neat with His gift of sharing...any blessing...The more we give, the more abundant it becomes. What a beautiful example you had shown your children. Not only cookies are yummy, but when baked with your own hands and given time, it makes them more special and extra-ordinary. God bless.

  4. This is wonderful...I love cookies. Bet they felt loved.

  5. Great idea and post! Great food for thought! LOL May blessings return to you for your giving!

  6. Great post! What a sweet way to allow God to work through you.

  7. Teresa -

    I believe you hit it on the head. Giving is so essential to the character of God. Just like, "God so loved the world that He GAVE His One and Only Son..."

    You couldn't represent the spirit of God in a better way. Truly a blessing to those lives that you touch. You have a gift and God is using it. May it be a blessing to you.

    Great post and God bless!

  8. What a great idea for a ministry! It's something simple that anyone can do, and to make people smile like that? words...


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