January 1, 2010, God's Grace
Triumphant Victorious Reminders
Inspired by the Holy Spirit
Written by: Teresa Criswell
"My grace is sufficient for you, for my strength is made perfect in your weakness"
~ The Lord said this to Paul as recorded in II Corinthians 12:9 NKJV ~
Resolute as defined in Webster's Dictionary:
firmly determined in purpose: resolved
Synonyms: steadfast, stanch, faithful, true, loyal
Resolution as defined in Webster's Dictionary:
1) The act or process of resolving
2.) The action of solving: Solution
3.) The quality of being resolute: firmness, determination
4.) A formal statement expressing the opinion, will or intent of a body of persons
As I read these defintions of what we attempt within our well intended self-discipline; it is amazing how we are reminded of our strength, determination, and steadfastness that only go so far. Some people have great disciplined strength while others do not...however, when we lean on the grace of God for His strength it doesn't matter if we are the strongest on our own or the weakest on our own...His strength through us allows us to go beyond our dreams and imaginations of what He full in His faith sees fulfilled over our lives. Our hearts humbled before His glorious power and the 'attempts' become fulfilled feats of victory because of Who He is through us!
Let us look at this new calendar year and focus on the day given to us by God abiding in His amazing grace. His grace when we lean on Him brings solution and a passionate determination to fulfill the Will of God through our lives to help others bringing glory to our awesome God!
Whether the resolutions are:
to lose weight,
replace curse words with words of blessing,
workout more
eat healthier
getting rid of a bad habit, etc.
Whatever our goals of change may be...let us allow God to reveal our hearts and see that the things we try to change is not about our performance but about repentance. Repentance is not a 'one time' action...it is continual. The initial move in repentance is turning from sin and following after God. The initial turn is accomplished and maintained as we follow after abundant life in Christ Jesus, staying on the path of His righteousness that He provides.
When we turn from repentance and rebel, let us realize it and repent immediately. We don't need to remain in a state of penance by reminding ourselves how awful we are...let's just get back up and with repenting action allow God to grace us through what needs to be worked on in our lives and let us not only see our lives changed with great accomplishment but may we also see our hearts changed as we moment by moment are in worshipful awe towards our Awesome God. Whether we eat, sleep, sit, walk, speak, or listen may each moment be a moment that we stayed fixed on Him, knowing the great desperation of how much we need and desire Him, humbled by His beautiful mercy and faithfulness.
Daily in 2011, may we say, declare and proclaim with great faith towards our God, "Great is Your Faithfulness; no matter what we are challenged with, You, Almighty God remain faithful. May we see His faithfulness revealed as we trust and obey. He is faithful whether we declare it or not...the Truth of Who He is will always remain...He is Strength; let us cling to Who He is!
Inspired by the Holy Spirit
Written by: Teresa Criswell
"My grace is sufficient for you, for my strength is made perfect in your weakness"
~ The Lord said this to Paul as recorded in II Corinthians 12:9 NKJV ~
Resolute as defined in Webster's Dictionary:
firmly determined in purpose: resolved
Synonyms: steadfast, stanch, faithful, true, loyal
Resolution as defined in Webster's Dictionary:
1) The act or process of resolving
2.) The action of solving: Solution
3.) The quality of being resolute: firmness, determination
4.) A formal statement expressing the opinion, will or intent of a body of persons
As I read these defintions of what we attempt within our well intended self-discipline; it is amazing how we are reminded of our strength, determination, and steadfastness that only go so far. Some people have great disciplined strength while others do not...however, when we lean on the grace of God for His strength it doesn't matter if we are the strongest on our own or the weakest on our own...His strength through us allows us to go beyond our dreams and imaginations of what He full in His faith sees fulfilled over our lives. Our hearts humbled before His glorious power and the 'attempts' become fulfilled feats of victory because of Who He is through us!
Let us look at this new calendar year and focus on the day given to us by God abiding in His amazing grace. His grace when we lean on Him brings solution and a passionate determination to fulfill the Will of God through our lives to help others bringing glory to our awesome God!
Whether the resolutions are:
to lose weight,
replace curse words with words of blessing,
workout more
eat healthier
getting rid of a bad habit, etc.
Whatever our goals of change may be...let us allow God to reveal our hearts and see that the things we try to change is not about our performance but about repentance. Repentance is not a 'one time' action...it is continual. The initial move in repentance is turning from sin and following after God. The initial turn is accomplished and maintained as we follow after abundant life in Christ Jesus, staying on the path of His righteousness that He provides.
When we turn from repentance and rebel, let us realize it and repent immediately. We don't need to remain in a state of penance by reminding ourselves how awful we are...let's just get back up and with repenting action allow God to grace us through what needs to be worked on in our lives and let us not only see our lives changed with great accomplishment but may we also see our hearts changed as we moment by moment are in worshipful awe towards our Awesome God. Whether we eat, sleep, sit, walk, speak, or listen may each moment be a moment that we stayed fixed on Him, knowing the great desperation of how much we need and desire Him, humbled by His beautiful mercy and faithfulness.
Daily in 2011, may we say, declare and proclaim with great faith towards our God, "Great is Your Faithfulness; no matter what we are challenged with, You, Almighty God remain faithful. May we see His faithfulness revealed as we trust and obey. He is faithful whether we declare it or not...the Truth of Who He is will always remain...He is Strength; let us cling to Who He is!
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