September 16, 2009, "God's Faithfulness"
Inspired by the Holy Spirit
Written by: Teresa Criswell and
a testimony written from a dear friend
"And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose."
~ Romans 8:28 ~
I received a great testimony from one of my dear friends, Holly. Her testimony revealed God's faithfulness through situations that are beyond our control and/or our ability to control!
The following is her testimony:
"Today my Father protected and blessed me sooooo much.
I sit here tearing up to weep as I think of the situation. I had just picked up Nicholas and Bethany from school (Lindsey was in voleyball practice) and we had been home about five minutes and I decided to go out into the garage to do one five minute project that needed completing. I just had to put on one more strip of plastic floorboard around the cabinets. I measured and started to slice the plastic strip with the Exacto Knife and it slipped. I stabbed the Exacto Knife into the top of my foot and buried the whole point of the knife into my foot because of the tremendous pressure that I was putting on it.
I was able to stay calm and to keep the kids calm while I drove to the emergency room. I had to stop the car to not faint two times, but, it was all OK. (Nicholas was VERY upset and wouldn not stop crying because I couldn't get the deep cut to stop bleeding and he was scared for me, bless his heart.)
Anyway, when they were stitching it up, the doctor said that it had probably nicked the nerve but did not obviously sever it or I wouldn't have had the motion in my toes that I did. I was able to get out of the emergency room in time to pick Lindsey up from volleyball, go home to dress and go to church.
God is just so good. It could have been BAD. But glory, just a few stitches and swelling. Wooooo-hooooo! (The kids even got shaved ice while they watched me get stitched up. The nurse didn't offer ME any)!
Blessings all over the place.
What Satan dishes up for failure and defeat and pain, God rectifies for the good and for the glory of His name. Isn't it sad how many times that God gets the "credit" for the part that ISN'T His part?"
Inspired by the Holy Spirit
Written by: Teresa Criswell and
a testimony written from a dear friend
"And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose."
~ Romans 8:28 ~
I received a great testimony from one of my dear friends, Holly. Her testimony revealed God's faithfulness through situations that are beyond our control and/or our ability to control!
The following is her testimony:
"Today my Father protected and blessed me sooooo much.
I sit here tearing up to weep as I think of the situation. I had just picked up Nicholas and Bethany from school (Lindsey was in voleyball practice) and we had been home about five minutes and I decided to go out into the garage to do one five minute project that needed completing. I just had to put on one more strip of plastic floorboard around the cabinets. I measured and started to slice the plastic strip with the Exacto Knife and it slipped. I stabbed the Exacto Knife into the top of my foot and buried the whole point of the knife into my foot because of the tremendous pressure that I was putting on it.
I was able to stay calm and to keep the kids calm while I drove to the emergency room. I had to stop the car to not faint two times, but, it was all OK. (Nicholas was VERY upset and wouldn not stop crying because I couldn't get the deep cut to stop bleeding and he was scared for me, bless his heart.)
Anyway, when they were stitching it up, the doctor said that it had probably nicked the nerve but did not obviously sever it or I wouldn't have had the motion in my toes that I did. I was able to get out of the emergency room in time to pick Lindsey up from volleyball, go home to dress and go to church.
God is just so good. It could have been BAD. But glory, just a few stitches and swelling. Wooooo-hooooo! (The kids even got shaved ice while they watched me get stitched up. The nurse didn't offer ME any)!
Blessings all over the place.
What Satan dishes up for failure and defeat and pain, God rectifies for the good and for the glory of His name. Isn't it sad how many times that God gets the "credit" for the part that ISN'T His part?"
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