May 5, 2010, "Almighty Father!"

Triumphant Victorious Reminders
Inspired by the Holy Spirit
Written By: Teresa Criswell

Psalm 8

How great, how awesome, how amazing you are God!
You are King of kings and Lord of lords!
You are King of all, as you need no advisors!
You are Lord of all, as You not only own everything, but You created everything!
You are The Bright and Morning Star!
The Alpha and The Omega! I love that Alpha is the beginning of the Greek Alphabet and Omega is the last of the Greek Alphabet!
The Beginning and The End...Yet You have no beginning nor will you ever end.
You do not fail, nor do You have ability to Fail.
You are Father, every attribute of Who You Are is Father. You Holy Father Provide, Protect and Heal. You not only have the ability to do this; but You are Provision, Protection and You are The Almighty not only restore the body, but also the mind and the spirit! Beyond this life is the life to come in Your Holy Presence in ways our mortal minds could never imagine, unless we melt into nothingness!

God! When I start to worry about my needs not being met...I am reminded who My Father is...YOU!!! You are so Awesome! You are God! You are King!


  1. "Our mortal minds can never imagine unless we melt into nothingness." A powerful statement when I think of how I cannot fathom the Lord and all He is.

    Hugging you,

  2. Our God inhabits the praises of his people. I share in your praise and worship of our Almighty God. He is with us. Thank you for helping me spend a moment in praise and worship this morning before i start my day. I pray He blesses you richly.


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