Reminder of God Who is Faithful!

Triumphant Victorious Reminders
Inspired by the Holy Spirit
Written By: Teresa Criswell
"If we are faithless, He remains faithful; He cannot deny Himself."
~ II Timothy 2:13 ~
I am so humbled as I look back. It is not regret of my past that leads me to this humbleness, it is the Awesomeness of God that has led me to repentance NOT regret.
I shake my head in awe as the recollection of self-inflicted pain, lies, manipulation, and gossip were what people associated me with. As I reminisce of those times; I am not feeling condemned, yet I am in awe of God's Majestic Love over my life in spite of who I was. I am in awe of God's great mercy over my life. I am truly overwhelmed that He saw past the wretchedness and by Faith, because HE is FAITH spoke forth and knew what He meant for me to become in Him and with Him through Jesus Christ.
I look upon this girl I once was. I don't see her as me, but as another person, longing to embrace her, then taking a hold of her, looking into her eyes and telling her there is more to life than that which she lives. I want to tell her the dreams that she can dream again, the love that she can walk in, and the truth that she can live in.
I am reminded of God's faithfulness even when I am faithless.
I love You my Father. Thank you for adopting me and taking me in as I was dressed in filthy rags made of sin as I was clothed in the spirit of heaviness and removing the burden of sin and replacing the rags with your robe of righteousness. Thank you for removing the ashes that I have given to you and for replacing it with much more than I could ever imagine, your wonderful, indescribable beauty. Thank You for the Oil of Joy as You took away the mourning and sadness replacing it with gladness in You, leading me to rejoice in You my God (Isaiah 61:3)!
Oh, praise the Lord for His faithfulness even when we falter! What a great post!