July 2, 2010, "Prayers"

Triumphant Victorious Reminders
Inspired by the Holy Spirit
Written By: Teresa Criswell

"Accept, I pray, the freewill offerings of my mouth, O Lord, and teach me Your judgments."
~ Psalm 119:108 NKJV ~

Proclamations of Thanksgiving and Praise unto Almighty God (Psalm 100:4).
Spoken words.
Declarations of hope.
Revealing voices of the despairing.
Mumbling voices of not knowing what to say.
The cries of hopelessness assisted by the clenching words of anger and pleading.
More than anything revealing humbleness as the pride of control is finally relinquished, showing forth the incapability to control the circumstances at hand.

What about the stillness of mind and knowing without a shadow of doubt that God is God
(Psalm 46:10)!
Not the passivity of mind, but the stillness thereof.
'Stilling' the vicious and vain imaginations.
Captivating every thought and placing them under the authority of Christ (II Corinthians. 10:5).
Every thought that comes in, immediately being able to discern the thoughts of righteous judgement versus the thoughts of the criticizing spirit.
God is Awesome ALL the time (Psalm 47:2)!
Do you hear the Voice of God speaking to you?
Realizing that the monologue is truly a dialogue if we truly listen (I Thess. 5:17).
Realizing the thoughts of despair and speaking out Truth.
Reminding ourselves of Truth.
Declaring over ourselves Truth.
Notice the word Truth, replacing the voice of lies.
When we believe the vicious lies of our mind; we reveal to whom we trust.
In the revealing of trust may we be led to repentance and passionately follow the Voice of Truth. The Voice of our Shepherd is Who I long to follow and anyone else I long to have a deafened ear to (John 10:27).

Faith to see the Healing of God manifest upon the physical bodies.
Faith to see the Restoration of God manifest upon the minds of those who are barraged with depression.
Faith to see the Redemption of God manifest upon the spirit of those who have not yet received Salvation through Jesus Christ.
Faith to see through facts. Faith assisted with great hope to see through the real life circumstances of death.
Faith to be moved by the Immovable God, rather than the temporary things of this world.

"Dear Heavenly Father, my Lord in the Name of Jesus I thank You for the power of Who You are as we pray. Lord, I am reminded that prayer is not what changes things. It is You Almighty God that utilizes the tool of prayer to change things. Everything goes back to YOU. Everything! It is not the voices of the human race that change things; it is YOU! It is YOU! Lord, I am grateful for the opportunities to sow seed of great Truth as by faith we declare what we see in the eternal realm, instead of being moved by what is before us. I pray that I utilize the tool of obedience and see a glimpse through Your eyes. I don't want to pray 'prayers of manipulation', but I want to echo what You have already said revealed by Your Majestic Word! You are Awesome God! Thank You Lord that we do not pray to anyone but through our Mediator Jesus Christ who also intercedes on our behalf. Thank You Father! Thank YOU!"
In Jesus Name. Not anyone else's name...but the Name of Jesus I pray to You Lord. So be it according to Your Will and my will of obedience. Amen!"


  1. I was awoken and reminded deep in the night last night: The truth will set you free! I am not normally a morning person, but I awoke this morning with a smile on my face, hearing my deceased grandmother, whom I called Nana, say: "I did NOT fall off of a turnip truck, yesterday!" God gives us wisdom and discernment. We just have to trust HIS guiding hand!

  2. Teresa, this blessed my socks off!

    'Prayers of manipulation' wow, that's a deep thought! May we all pray for our Father's will, and not our own. His way is so much better than ours!

    You are blessed with wisdom from above, my dear sister in Christ!


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