Augu 21, 2009, "Choosing Blessings, I truly Choose Him"
Inspired by the Holy Spirit
Written By: Teresa Criswell
"I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live; that you may love the LORD your God, that you may obey His voice, and that you may cling to Him, for He is your life and the length of your days; and that you may dwell in the land which the LORD swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to give them."
~ Deuteronomy 30:19-20 ~ NKJV
Today as we were getting some great deals for school clothes and supplies we had also purchased a school bag from my daughter's favorite store. She was so excited to find the 'perfect' bag with peace signs. My fun daughter is so into 'peace' signs and psychedelic colors. She really loves that the '80's are somewhat back in it's own way.
After we purchased her school accessories we walked out of the store and walked to the car. As we walked to the car we opened the doors, jumped in, shutting our doors and placing our seat belts on. As I started the car and started to drive home, we were talking about all her cool new outfits she got and the awesome bag when suddenly she says, "O no, Mom, there is a button in my bag." I was a bit confused as to what she meant by that, so I put the brakes on, turned around to find in her hand a really cool peace sign button. I looked at it and turned it over to see that it was priced $2.50.
As I was turning around to head back to the store, she said with concern, "Mom, we need to turn around and give it back." To know that she had the same thought and not only thought it but expressed it, truly blessed my heart.
As I turned around, I thought to myself, here is a really cool peace sign button that she could have kept to herself and not have said a word, and I probably would have never noticed it. It had me reflect back to myself as a child, even though I was taught much better, my choices were many times deceitful. To see such integrity rise up in this nine year old girl who I get to call my daughter ministered to me in ways that I could never imagine. It was definitely a moment that brought back memories of my dad who always taught us that integrity was far more important than just 'honesty'.
As we headed back to the store, Tristin was so excited to get to bring it back. So we parked the car and headed into the busy store. She saw the lady who rang us up and told her that she had found the button in the bag and wanted to bring it back. The young lady at first said, "O Sweetie, thank you so much." Tristin walked away hurriedly, as I noticed she was a little embarassed. As we were walking out I could hear the young lady say to her associates, "Can you believe that? That little girl brought this back. That is amazing."
It brought a smile to my face to know that even in that gesture, which was a small one, yet it made such an impact. I know it brought great pleasure to our Father God to see one of His children represent a glimpse of the way He should be seen.
Today I am reminded to choose life, which by natural consequences will bring blessings in ways I could never imagine. The biggest blessing that I am reminded of is that I could bless my Father God's heart by choosing life. As I choose life, I truly choose Him.
Inspired by the Holy Spirit
Written By: Teresa Criswell
"I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live; that you may love the LORD your God, that you may obey His voice, and that you may cling to Him, for He is your life and the length of your days; and that you may dwell in the land which the LORD swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to give them."
~ Deuteronomy 30:19-20 ~ NKJV
Today as we were getting some great deals for school clothes and supplies we had also purchased a school bag from my daughter's favorite store. She was so excited to find the 'perfect' bag with peace signs. My fun daughter is so into 'peace' signs and psychedelic colors. She really loves that the '80's are somewhat back in it's own way.
After we purchased her school accessories we walked out of the store and walked to the car. As we walked to the car we opened the doors, jumped in, shutting our doors and placing our seat belts on. As I started the car and started to drive home, we were talking about all her cool new outfits she got and the awesome bag when suddenly she says, "O no, Mom, there is a button in my bag." I was a bit confused as to what she meant by that, so I put the brakes on, turned around to find in her hand a really cool peace sign button. I looked at it and turned it over to see that it was priced $2.50.
As I was turning around to head back to the store, she said with concern, "Mom, we need to turn around and give it back." To know that she had the same thought and not only thought it but expressed it, truly blessed my heart.
As I turned around, I thought to myself, here is a really cool peace sign button that she could have kept to herself and not have said a word, and I probably would have never noticed it. It had me reflect back to myself as a child, even though I was taught much better, my choices were many times deceitful. To see such integrity rise up in this nine year old girl who I get to call my daughter ministered to me in ways that I could never imagine. It was definitely a moment that brought back memories of my dad who always taught us that integrity was far more important than just 'honesty'.
As we headed back to the store, Tristin was so excited to get to bring it back. So we parked the car and headed into the busy store. She saw the lady who rang us up and told her that she had found the button in the bag and wanted to bring it back. The young lady at first said, "O Sweetie, thank you so much." Tristin walked away hurriedly, as I noticed she was a little embarassed. As we were walking out I could hear the young lady say to her associates, "Can you believe that? That little girl brought this back. That is amazing."
It brought a smile to my face to know that even in that gesture, which was a small one, yet it made such an impact. I know it brought great pleasure to our Father God to see one of His children represent a glimpse of the way He should be seen.
Today I am reminded to choose life, which by natural consequences will bring blessings in ways I could never imagine. The biggest blessing that I am reminded of is that I could bless my Father God's heart by choosing life. As I choose life, I truly choose Him.
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