Week of August 10-17, "The Reminder of His Great Redemption"

Inspired by the Holy Spirit
Written by: Teresa Criswell

"...So the Lord God banished Adam and his wife from the Garden of Eden..."
~ Genesis 3:1-24 ~

Screams of desperation, "NO! NO! O God No! Please NO!" Being dragged out of their home. Their sobs and despair so full that they could truly vomit such sadness to be without God. They were banished, never to return to the Garden. They were banished from the freedom of walking with God at every moment as they had done before.

If there was a possibility, their consequence of death was better than being absent from God's presence. They would have much rather suffered death than to be removed from their Creator's presence.

Regret, shame, guilt not only for their disobedience but for all mankind. Even the animals of every kind, all suffered because of the great sadness and despair of deception and sin.

As I imagine the scene of being completely able to see in ways we could never imagine, and then to be stripped of it all, now truly being in utter darkness without God; so devastating to try to comprehend.

As I hunger with a great appetite for God, I am reminded that we have been restored back into fellowship with God through His Word, Jesus Christ. What a beautiful gift. With that gift will I set it down and admire it? Or will I do something with that gift? Will I feast on the nutrients and the savory tastes of His great mercy revealed by His love?

With the gift of redemption, there must be a desire to long for more of the Redeemer. Catching a glimpse of His redeeming power on my life, I am in utter awe of His power to change my life; in ways I could never imagine.

This is a reminder of the opposite results that Adam and Eve experienced. They were changed in ways they could never imagine; but in ways that were of utter sadness and great despair.

May we be reminded today of the great gift from God. When people get on our last nerve. When we have a choice to receive a silly offense, or even a great offense. When we are so concerned with others and what they may think of us. May the reminder of His redemption be so overwhelming that we not even entertain such selfish issues. May the issues of offense be so minimized by God's redeeming power that it may never be entertained. May we be so overwhelmed by His redeeming power that we live lives of true victory, no matter what.

May the reminder of Adam and Eve, bring us to our knees in gratefulness of God's redemption over our lives.

"Lord, I pray that when I am tempted to take an offense or be bothered by a thought, may I immediately be reminded of your great love and mercy over my life and walk according to that reminder."

Be blessed today, as I have been blessed by this reminder of His great redeeming love.


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