October 16, 2009, "I Desire You O God"

"Whom have I in heaven but You? And there is none upon earth that I desire besides You."
~ Psalm 73:25 ~

The passion for God within me is burning. It is as though I have a constant knot in my throat realizing the God I am honored to call my 'Heavenly Father'!

Excuse the 'what seem to be random' declarations as I type! There is a stirring on the inside of me; it won't stop. I am overwhelmed by His glorious love and His glorious heart.

As I was with great longing wanting to know a glimpse of the heart of God, I asked, "What is the purpose of our assembling together (i.e. church, bible study, prayer, luncheons, etc.)?" The purpose is to pursue Who I AM! I AM your God. I long for for my sons and daughters to know who I truly I Am ~ so that they can begin to see their TRUE identity in Who I AM. It isn't about the big screens, the coolest 'worship bands', the cafes...it's about Who I Am and what I Am about.

I ponder this, "Pursue Who I AM, The Great I AM." Lord, what does it mean when You say, "I Am the Great I Am"? I believe there is an eternal plethora (overabundance, excess, surplus) of words that have never graced our human ears to describe Your many awesome. Majestic, Glorious Names. However, I am going to attempt a size of a speck of dust to do just that ~ this should be interesting...LOL!

My God! The Great I Am!
"I Am Love. The Great Love this is Who I Am, not only what I possess!
I Am Peace. The Great Peace that surpasses your understanding.
I Am Strength. The Great Strength comes through My Joy through circumstances you could never imagine. I Am Perfect Strength in your weakness.
I Am Power. I Am Great Power that make mountains tremble and the billowing waves to bow down. I Am Great Power through your adversities.
I Am Sustainer. I Am Great Sustainer when you feel like buckling, when you feel like quitting. I will sustain you, For I Am the Great Sustainer!
I Am Jubilee. I Am Great Jubilee as I have set you free from the bondage's of debt to sin. I am the Remover of the Burden of the Sin...for I Am Jubilee.
I Am Refuge. I Am Great Refuge as I Am your Safety, your haven, your protection.
I Am Your Father God. I desire for you to long after Me. To follow Me all the days of your life. Not because I only desire to be followed, but I desire for you to follow that you may receive the blessings I have in store for you! I desire for you, beyond your imaginations, to receive the desires of your heart. I also desire that you allow My desires to become yours.
I desire for you to know me as Your Father!"

Wow! I love that Who He is, is what He does! I want to continue to, on purpose, desire Who He is. I not only want to desire what He can do.

I want to know my Father God in such a way that what we call a miracle, is something that we just expect that this is what our Father does. I long for it to be of no surprise; it should be an expectancy on Who He is.

Many times I have looked for the 'miracle' instead of the Miraculous One!

I love how God is starting a revolution within my heart. I heard someone say this, I don't want those old things revived, we need to stop calling 'revivals' revivals. We need to start calling forth REVOLUTION of our hearts expecting our hearts to change because of Who He is! We look for the outward manifestations of His glory, when we must be longing for the inward manifestations of our hearts in pursuit of HIM!

I'm so far away from it, but the longing brings me that much closer than I was before in my pursuit of Him. O my Awesome God! Wow! The mountains tremble, yet, why aren't I trembling at the utter awe of Who You Are!

I am reminded of Your vast greatness, Your Majesty and more than anything I am reminded to long after Who You Are! I am realizing through this that moment by moment I want and must check the intentions of my heart.


  1. Thanks for your comments and sharing a bit of your downfalls--it's really appreciated. As for my piano abilities--humbly I say, I'm not that great, but I can play a tune or two. Your words today are great--it's always great to praise God; however my initial reaction is why? Why try and put to words what He is since He has done that through the bible. If one were to really read and understand Him through the Word, then our human words will never compare. It's like trying to paint a picture of Heaven--it cannot be done because our human minds cannot fathom that sort of beauty. My closest example would be the Boundary Waters Canoe Area in MN--for me, that is heaven on earth--quiet, peaceful, (little) human degredation, scerene. But even that doesn't compare to what Heaven is promised to be. But to praise God is great and knowing that He is the great I AM is awesome--I wrote a poem about this, similar to what you wrote today, but in a poetic format. I'll post it and share it to the world. May God bless your day and that you can experience joy--but w/o the boulder!!


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