October 5, 2009, "The Heart of The Matter"
Inpsired by the Holy Spirit
Written By: Teresa Criswell
**Below the devotional is an update on Poppa C.O.**
"I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well."
~ Psalm 139:14 ~
As I looked into the mirror getting ready to go to church. I wanted to get to the heart of the matter. You may ask, "The heart of the matter regarding what?" My thoughts were in regards to being validated by others.
I thought, "Lord, why is it I feel the need for validation?" As I looked into the mirror getting ready for church I received some powerful words within my spirit that ministered to my mind:
"When you feel the need to be validated by others it reveals that you have forgotten how valuable you are to Me."
I am amazed how God ministers to me as I look into the mirror. For the only person looking BACK at me? Is none other than ~ me!
Know that you are valuable to Him, that you are and were fearfully and wonderfully made. When you have the opportunity to receive offense because you weren't 'rightfully' validated, Don't open that door, it is a trap of pride and self. We must use the tool of reminding. Reminding ourselves that we are fearfully and wonderfully made by our wonderful, Mighty, Majestic, Awesome Father. Almighty God!.
Be encouraged. As you are encouraged let it flow onto others.
"Father God, I praise You for Who You are. I thank You Lord that You have made each of us so beautifully. You have designed us with such love. Lord, I want to be amazed by You today. Thank You for Your compassion and love that is already within me. Thank You for Your Joy, Peace and Righteousness that is already mine by the Holy Spirit. You have made sure that we are equipped in all areas. Thank You Lord for Your provision over my life. I am amazed by You. In The Mighty, Majestic, Holy, Righteous Name, the Most powerful name....the Name of Jesus...Amen."
Update on our Poppa C.O. Famer:
Hello all,
An update on Dad. He's had a rough week. He has started physical therapy and has made some progress on that front but the spasms have been been relentlessly coming every day. He has had a couple of periods in the last two days where he might get to go two - three hours without one and get some much needed rest but that's it. Otherwise they come every couple of minutes. Excrutiating pain. They give him so much medication to try to control the spasms that he becomes confused and that interferes with his ability to accomplish what he needs to in pt. The rehab staff tell us all this is "normal" though I can't find any written proof that supports that theory and we're extremely frustrated. Even the doctor assigned to him at the rehab appears baffled by this.
Please continue to pray for healing for Dad and deliverance from all this pain, wisdom for the medical professionals that care for him and strength and comfort for my Mother and Brother who are with Dad 24/7. It's emotionally devastating to watch a loved one endure so much. It's very hard for both of them but, to their credit, they don't leave his side. Hopefully I'll have a better report next time.
Inpsired by the Holy Spirit
Written By: Teresa Criswell
**Below the devotional is an update on Poppa C.O.**
"I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well."
~ Psalm 139:14 ~
As I looked into the mirror getting ready to go to church. I wanted to get to the heart of the matter. You may ask, "The heart of the matter regarding what?" My thoughts were in regards to being validated by others.
I thought, "Lord, why is it I feel the need for validation?" As I looked into the mirror getting ready for church I received some powerful words within my spirit that ministered to my mind:
"When you feel the need to be validated by others it reveals that you have forgotten how valuable you are to Me."
I am amazed how God ministers to me as I look into the mirror. For the only person looking BACK at me? Is none other than ~ me!
Know that you are valuable to Him, that you are and were fearfully and wonderfully made. When you have the opportunity to receive offense because you weren't 'rightfully' validated, Don't open that door, it is a trap of pride and self. We must use the tool of reminding. Reminding ourselves that we are fearfully and wonderfully made by our wonderful, Mighty, Majestic, Awesome Father. Almighty God!.
Be encouraged. As you are encouraged let it flow onto others.
"Father God, I praise You for Who You are. I thank You Lord that You have made each of us so beautifully. You have designed us with such love. Lord, I want to be amazed by You today. Thank You for Your compassion and love that is already within me. Thank You for Your Joy, Peace and Righteousness that is already mine by the Holy Spirit. You have made sure that we are equipped in all areas. Thank You Lord for Your provision over my life. I am amazed by You. In The Mighty, Majestic, Holy, Righteous Name, the Most powerful name....the Name of Jesus...Amen."
Update on our Poppa C.O. Famer:
Hello all,
An update on Dad. He's had a rough week. He has started physical therapy and has made some progress on that front but the spasms have been been relentlessly coming every day. He has had a couple of periods in the last two days where he might get to go two - three hours without one and get some much needed rest but that's it. Otherwise they come every couple of minutes. Excrutiating pain. They give him so much medication to try to control the spasms that he becomes confused and that interferes with his ability to accomplish what he needs to in pt. The rehab staff tell us all this is "normal" though I can't find any written proof that supports that theory and we're extremely frustrated. Even the doctor assigned to him at the rehab appears baffled by this.
Please continue to pray for healing for Dad and deliverance from all this pain, wisdom for the medical professionals that care for him and strength and comfort for my Mother and Brother who are with Dad 24/7. It's emotionally devastating to watch a loved one endure so much. It's very hard for both of them but, to their credit, they don't leave his side. Hopefully I'll have a better report next time.
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