October 19, 2009, "Update on Poppa C.O."

"But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure. It is also peace loving, gentle at all times, and willing to yield to others. It is full of mercy and good deeds. It shows no partiality and is always sincere."
~ James 3:17 ~

Awesome NEWS!!!! Received word from Tammy on Sunday morning that her dad, who many of us know as Poppa C.O. Farmer is now at home in Austin. He returned home on Saturday!

Praise God! We Thank You Lord in advance for accelerated healing over his body in this time. We pray and thank God in advance for great comfort to replace the pain in The Mighty, Majestic Name of Jesus!

The encouraging news is that he will have a physical therapist coming to his home for six weeks so that he does not have to go to them.

I know that the Farmer family is beyond grateful for each of your prayers and encouraging words! If you haven't done so already, whether you know Poppa C.O. or not, please feel free to leave an encouraging note if you have not done so already. Thank you again to all who have left such beautiful, encouraging words for Poppa and his family!

Again, the website address is:
www.caringbridge.com you can go to 'Guestbook' and 'sign it' with words of encouragement!

Poppa C.O. is a great man who loves His Almighty, Great God! Poppa's life is a reminder of a smile and an encouraging word through hard times! God has used him mightily and still is even in this time of his life. He is more concerned for all of us, than himself. I am so greatly encouraged by his life and his love for our Lord!

His life which oozes the 'wisdom of God' is a great example of James 3:17. Wow! He has hidden himself in Christ Jesus and his life is evidence of this!

We love you Poppa C.O.!


  1. Poppa sounds like a saint. I love to hear about these great men and women who are leaving a legacy for the rest of us...


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