The BBC Parade of Homes (Kitchen)
An extension of the kitchen
The breakfast 'nook'

This is so much fun. Debby from Heavenly Humor has invited her friends to post pictures of our least for this week. She is calling it, "Parade of Homes"...It is part of her "Monday Madness" at the 'Big Butt Club'...if you think that's funny, you have gotta go to Heavenly Humor as soon as you possibly can.
She is hilarious, fun and genuinely an awesome daughter of the King! Many of you already know her, however, those of you who don't...please post a comment on her blog to let her know that you heard about her from me...'Triumphant Teresa'.
She has noted on her blog that next week, is another room...the bedroom. Many, if not most bloggers have not met in person; being that this is the case, Debby came up with this wonderful, fun idea to 'get to know' each other better.
Have fun 'parading' through my kitchen! You can also check out my other blog which has everything to do with the kitchen over at Holly/Teresa Cooking Project if you read the first post, you'll know what inspired the blog to come about!
Have fun 'grazing' through our kitchens!!!! Bon appetit!
Ooh la la! Your kitchen is fabulous, dahling! It's positively huge. No wonder you like to be in it, cooking up a storm!
ReplyDeleteHey, you figured out the link thing, huh? Good job!
Lovely kitchen...I am a fan of Heavenly Humor...checking out your other blog now....
ReplyDeleteHey Teresa......Love your kitchen!!! Just beautiful!!
ReplyDeleteSo blessed to have you stop by my "house" and visit my kitchen!! Hope you'll drop by often!!
Oh, BTW, I love your blog design too!
Sweet Blessings!
Teresa.....just read the Lady Bug post and several of your older post and was so blessed! So glad to have "found" your site through our kitchens! LOL!
ReplyDeleteSweet Blessings!
Great space, Teresa! I love your scrolly iron wall hanging above your window!! :) It's so fun to see where my bloggy friends spend their's like stopping by for a virtual visit!! ;)
Thank you ladies...Debby you just make things so much more fun! I love strolling through other people's fun! Thank you ladies for coming by! I sooooooooo love comments and writing comments as much as I love my dark chocolates with almonds...heeheehee!
ReplyDeleteTanya...I actually got the 'scrolly iron wall hanging' at Dollar General for $4..LOL! Don't you love finds like that? It looks heavy..but is really light. But thank you! I can't wait for you to post your kitchen on Debby's site.
ReplyDeleteWow, Teresa, your kitchen is HUGE!!! What a great space you have there. I love the iron wall hanging above your window. Where did you find it, if you don't mind me asking? =)
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing with all of us, love it! :)
Hi Liz..that is great that you like the kitchen! I love, love, love your house so much! I desire to paint our kitchen and do upgrades...but we get to be renters...and of course I don't mind sharing where I got the 'iron' wall hanging...especially sharing it with the 'queen' of beautiful decorations! Haahaa! The 'iron' wall hanging is from none other than...are you ready??? The Dollar General! The great looks heavy..but it's really light...and it cost me $4. Yes you 'heard' me right, $4! I found it about 3 years ago in a little Dollar General when we lived in Winterset, Iowa..thank you for stopping by..I so love your blog!!