March 4, 2010, "Remaining Refuge"

Triumphant Victorious Reminders
Inspired by the Holy Spirit
Written By: Teresa Criswell

"You will live in joy and peace. The mountains and hills will burst into song, and the trees of the field will clap their hands!"
~ Isaiah 55:12 NLT ~

Lord, You are my Refuge and Strength!
You are Salvation!
You are Power!
You are Love!

Lord, with or without us You Remain Awesome, Powerful, Loving, Merciful. You are Resting Place. You are Restoration! You Are Relief when relief doesn't seem near. You are who You say You are!

God, I want to run after You. The way I run after the earthly desires, I want to run after You beyond my wildest imagination. I want my running after You to be as the rushing wind that dries up the rain and dew that has fallen on the ground. I want my running after You to be as though the wordly things have no hold or concern. Thank You Jesus for Your resurrection Power over death, hell and the grave! Thank You for the Redeeming Power of God's Love that desires to touch us and others through us in ways we could never hope for or imagine for Your glorious honor and majesty!

God You Remain when everything and everyone else refrains. You are Giver of all givers and even the takers. O Lord, How awesome You are! All of creation is in awe of Your majesty...they are so in awe that their declaration of Your glory is expressed with wildly violent passionate as though we see their bow revealed throughout the earth! It is as though as the earth quakes and the skies open up that they declare with a mighty, thunderous shout, "The King of kings is coming! Bow down and worship Him!"

Lord, my mind and soul are tossed about trying to comprehend Your magnificient majesty! O wow! Wow! Hear the earth and your children applaud with thunderous claps who we know we get to worship and adore! Lord not only are we able to be in awe of You, but we are able to be in awe with You! The twirlings of a child, the hair tossed in the wind, the leaves that blow so effortlessly along the blades of grass and dry land; O how they reveal the dance of the glorious praise and awe of Who You are!

I love You my Father God with Your love through Jesus Christ by the Awesome Power of Your Spirit, the Holy Spirit!


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