June 18, 2009 "Getting Through"

Triumphant Victorious Reminders
Inspired by the Holy Spirit
By: Teresa Criswell

"For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for peace and not for evil, to give you a future and hope."
~ Jeremiah 29:11 ~

Sorrow, oppression, depression annihilates her. She sees her husband who not so long ago was strong, and full of mobility. His ability to provide for his family was something she had never witnessed before. She is now haunted by the reminder of death as this man she loves and adores withers away in a frail, sick, cancer stricken body. She is reminded of death and forgets life as he is stricken by a death sentence of cancer from the reports of his doctors.

Hopelessness, the will to live, fades as a young father who is newly divorced, has three children in which he has sole custody. He has lost his job of many years, his home has gone into foreclosure and the sheriff has removed him and his children from this place that he once called home. He awakes to thoughts of failure. As he awakes from little sleep as he sleeps in his car with his children, he stares at them as they are his everything, and the thoughts of, "What if I lose them too?" He tries to hold back the tears as he knows he has to be strong. He looks for another job...anything at this point is better than nothing. His children are his motivator to keep going to not give up hope in Christ.

A woman haunted by her past, yet her present is just that-a gift. She has children a great husband and even knows Jesus Christ as her Savior. Yet, bondage of the past she allows to hold her back. The chains that Jesus Christ freed her from, she now places back on willingly, yet unintentionally. She entertains and unknowingly glorifies what she use to do, as it condemns her and says, "How can God truly use you? She justifies her inability to progress by blaming her upbringing. Yet Christ has already provided His way...the way to freedom, through His Word.

There are so many other different, difficult scenarios that are taking place in people's lives at this very moment. Please know that God is the lifter of your head. You are loved and he wants to saturate you with His overwhelming peace, provision, grace and love; as Perfect Love casts out fear (I John 4:18).

Just as he said to Jeremiah the prophet, I know He says to each of us when we allow Christ to become our Savior that He has a hope and a future for you.

The reality of difficulty you live in right now, does not have to determine your end result. Just as in Psalm 23, Yea, though I walk through (The key is walking through, we don't have to stay there) the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil.

Though the 'shadow' of death tries to remind you of where you are going, run to the Shadow of the Almighty (Psalm 91) and He will show you where He wants to lead you.

This is an encouragement to me today, and I pray that it encourages you as well. This promise is for those who have a covenant relationship with God through Jesus Christ. If you do, keep your faith in and on Him as if He is for you, who can truly be against you (Romans 8:31)? Praise God, no one!!!!

This is my declaration (To broadcast) over myself today only because of Christ Jesus:
"I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. I am not righteous because of what I have done, but because of what Christ has done. I am free because I know the TRUTH. Who is Truth? Jesus Christ. Because I know Jesus Christ as my Savior and Lord I am made free. Greater is He is that is in me than he that is in this world. If God be for me, who can be against me? Thank you Lord for your Word that I can declare and echo back to You what You say of me. You have called me worthy because of Jesus Christ. Thank you Lord that I am free in you. Everything I lay my hand to do I shall prosper for your glory. I will not allow my present difficult circumstances to tell me where I am headed. I will not take my eyes off of you. I am declaring that I am MORE than an overcomer because of what Christ has done for me!"


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