March 12, 2010, "The Gospel; The Infallible Truth"

Triumphant Victorious Reminders
Inspired by the Holy Spirit
Written By: Teresa Criswell

"For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek."
~ Romans 1:16 ~

Lord, this has been gnawing at me all day: "...I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ...." Wow! Lord, this is truly a profound statement! For the writer to say this, there is high probability that there would be reason for the natural man to be ashamed. But Lord, ashamed of what? The Gospel? But who would be ashamed of the Gospel or what I have heard and even seen as 'Good News'? When I look up the English definition of the word gospel, there are several; yet when I read the last definition Lord, I about jumped out of my seat! According to the Webster's Dictionary, it is defined as something, such as an idea or principle, accepted as unquestionably true ('infallible-incapable of failing-truth). So in other words, I can read Romans 1:16 like this, "I am not ashamed of The Infallible Truth of Christ"?

Hmmmmm....This leads me to a few of many different things You have called us to. Lord, what do you call us to? Well, I know from what You did Lord on this earth, You have called and equipped us to do those things that cause us to examine our hearts. In relation to examining our heart You went as far as giving parables of the different conditions of our hearts. Wow! The four different kinds of soil; three you warned us not to be. When our heart becomes like the ground on the wayside the seed (The Word of God) is snatched away. The stony ground receives the Word with great joy, but does not take root and then when troubles come fall away. The seed sown into ground among the thorns, grows but then gets choked with the cares, riches, and pleasures of life, and bring no fruit to maturity. However, we can have the heart of fertile soil or good ground which produces a great harvest which is produced with patience; expecting a harvest from The Harvester; YOU (Luke 8:11-15)!

I am not to be ashamed of the infallible truth of Christ pertaining to forgiveness either. Now this one is difficult. It is a MUST, a mandate to forgive others so You God our Father will forgive us (Matthew 6). This is not popular among the world or even myself. Wow! Many of us feel as though we have the right to hold onto those wrongs by people who have hurt us, many times whether it be through a betrayal, neglect, abandonment, a wrongful death, and the worst is those awful violations sexually, immorally, unethically. We are called to forgive even those wrongs Lord? Yes! Lord, this is difficult, but will I be ashamed of this infallible truth?

What about the power that You gave the apostles when they cast out demons, healed all kinds of sickness and all kinds of diseases, and raised the dead. Your infallible truth of Christ has given us the power to do this even to this very day. Lord, those who believe this, it just seems weird and odd, yet, this is also the infallible Truth of Christ.

Another infallible truth was spoken forth as You said, "Therefore whoever confesses Me before men, him I will also confess before My Father who is in heaven. But whoever denies Me before men, him I will also deny before My Father who is in heaven. Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword." (Matthew 10:32-34). I'm getting it...the Gospel; the Infallible Truth, I am not to be ashamed of. It is not the 'fluff and puff' of what we want to hear. Your infallible truth frees us from the bondages of what is comfortable as we lie in lies. I see right now how my heart must be constantly kept. My heart must be kept by Your Word; as a garden must be kept. The condition of my heart is likened to the garden of my heart. The condition of my heart is what sets the success or failure of what is received in regards to You and Your Word.

Lord, I do not want to be ashamed of the infallible truth of Jesus Christ. I am called to worship You Father God; however, I nor anyone else can worship You except through You, Who is the Infallible Truth. You are The Way, The Truth and The Life...Jesus...Yeshua!

I am in awe of You Lord! In awe!


  1. Beautiful! Loved this thought..."The condition of my heart is likened to the garden of my heart. "...


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